Hitler came into power because the liberal PM appointed him chancellor to avoid creating a coalition with the left party. Liberals would rather work with a fascist over a socialist any day of the week.
Macron had the option of forming a coalition with the leftists, who won a plurality of the seats. Instead, he joined forces with the nationalist party on the right.
SPD has been a liberal center-left party since it’s founding. Hindenburg’s closely held political beliefs had no bearing on the outcome of a liberal party avoiding a coalition with socialists by appointing a fascist to chancellor.
That’s a contradiction in terms: Liberalism is a right-wing philosophy; it can’t be center-left. JFC you idiots are all the same. Sometimes I wonder if y’all’re capable of having 2 consistent thoughts. Go on, tell me about how anyone who isn’t an ML is a liberal (including Anarchists) and every Liberal is a fascist.
Look, I don’t get to control how people classify political parties. That is how SPD has always been defined. Centrist parties have always had a variety of status quo-esque ideologies. Hindenburg was a monarchist and a member of the SPD, because monarchy was the recently departed political system and he wanted a return to the status quo. Liberals were also a part of SPD, and there are a variety of samey progressive liberal ideologies that seek to entrench capitalism while providing social benefits to the people. That is how a liberal center-left party can exist.
On Monday, Renew Europe chairman Stéphane Séjourné took distance from the decision of the Swedish Liberals to sign a government agreement that favours the far-right.
“I acknowledge that the Swedish Liberals blocked the far right from entering the government,” he told Politico, adding that he regrets “the agreement and the direction it is taking. “A government with the far right cannot have our blessing”, he said.
Sources within Renew Europe confirmed to EURACTIV that Séjourné personally regretted the decision of the Swedish Liberals on account of the “common values” shared by the Renew Europe members.
It should be noted that “blocked the far right” means “gave far right influence over the government with no accountability instead of collaborating with social democrates”.
Renew later also let the Swedish Liberals stay in their group, so they to some degree agree with the strategy of giving the far right influence over the government as long as it means you never have to work with a socdem.
Only in the sense that they still exist, and thus have never truly been defeated. Fascists and authoritarians have lost elections, and thus lost or never gained power… but fascism and authoritarianism still exist as concepts. The only real way to change that is to:
A. Completely remove the concept from public consciousness, which is nigh impossible and can always be thought of again
B. Kill anyone you suspect of harboring fascist or authoritarian thoughts. Which is the kind of thing people think when they say “that just makes you a fascist/authoritarian yourself”.
You can not police thought unless you become that which you hate. You can help to foster an environment where those ideas seem silly and not worthwhile… bit not with swords or guns.
If you don’t believe that you can have what you want with democracy, with freedom of choice, with elections and voting. That your only choice is to force others to see things your way with violence… then I have some bad news for you. You are the authoritarian.
You can not force people to be free at the tip of a bayonet. They have to choose it for themselves.
We defeated fascism militarily 80 years ago, and yet it’s slowly it grew back and is poised to take power again. Everything that happened since wasn’t defeating fascism but nurturing it, as it’s been growing in power since. You are positing a false dichotomy. The only way to defeat fascism is to change to a system that doesn’t breed fascism.
We didn’t defeat fascism, we defeated fascists. Fascism didn’t stop existing because we defeated Germany in a war. It just went into hiding. A lot of that hiding in the US.
The idea that we “defeated fascism” is part of the problem with why it still exists. That we were able to shoot it in the face and it just went away.
The only way to defeat fascism is to change to a system that doesn’t breed fascism.
Yes, that is literally the point of my previous comment. The problem is you are advocating a system that fosters it, not one that removes it.
What? Lol the current system breeds it. The one you explicitly endorse through voting. How is what I suggest promoting fascism? Do you even know what I would suggest or are you just making an ass of yourself?
Mate, you lot have been “voting the fascists out” for the past 80 years and they’ve only been growing stronger to the point where you’re about to get fascism in multiple northern nations (never mind the looming climate apocalypse) . Surely you must know what they call ones who keep doing the same thing and expect different results.
Mostly because people like you refuse to participate because you’d rather be “above that sort of thing”.
You won’t change shit by being an outlier. You won’t make a difference by refusing to participate. Telling everyone that the system stinks and you’re going to go make your own is how you get hundreds of systems that have no effect on anything.
You want to make change? Stop being an island unto yourself and work with other people. You don’t have to work with fascists, but you will have to work with people you don’t see as “good enough”. Because otherwise all you are is a drop in a very big ocean.
Fair, I took your example of “we defeated fascism militarily” and not expounded about anything else as a solution except not voting at all… I took that as your solution.
Please do explain how you will solve all our problems in such a way that you aren’t able to vote as well.
Except for the 90%+ of Democrats in Congress and the White House who consider bipartisanship the highest political virtue, even now that the GOP is a literal fascist party.
Those liberals are ALL about compromising with fascists.
Well technically it wouldn’t be bipartisanship to compromise with people who belong to no party, having been alienated from their own one by their constant sharp turns right and vehement opposition to anything left of Reagan.
Most of them want a Congress that is willing to work together. Congress is literally supposed to work together.
Not when one of the parties is a fascist party. There’s no acceptable compromise possible with fascists.
Conservatism and progressivism are two hands of the same body.
More like progressivism is the supramarginal gyrus (the part responsible for compassion and empathy), the frontal cortex (logical reasoning), and the hippocampus (creativity) whereas conservatism is the medulla oblongata (fear and distrust) and not much more.
Besides, today’s Republican party isn’t just a conservative party. Fascism is much farther right than that, into “straight white Christian men SHOULD control everything and nobody else should have rights” territory.
Just because one of those hands has cancer doesn’t mean you remove the whole hand.
The entire GOP is controlled by that cancer. There’s no redeeming traits, nobody who goes against it without being ostracized.
The Alt-Right
Is a media term for “modern Fascist but were not allowed to use that word no matter how accurate it is”.
The government exists to make life as good for as many people as possible. That’s simply not possible when giving fascists ANY of the things they want.
Most of them want a Congress that is willing to work together. Congress is literally supposed to work together.
Not when one of the parties is a fascist party.
Not at all, rather. Part of the point is that it’s literally supposed to work against itself to keep change slow, manageable. Moderate.
Also, doctors do sever limbs that can’t be recovered. Idunno where the person you’re responding to gets their ideas but maybe they should let it serve its natural function instead of digging around in it for bad ideas.
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Hitler came into power because the liberal PM appointed him chancellor to avoid creating a coalition with the left party. Liberals would rather work with a fascist over a socialist any day of the week.
See: The new French government
Macron had the option of forming a coalition with the leftists, who won a plurality of the seats. Instead, he joined forces with the nationalist party on the right.
“Ve can control zem.”
That’s a lie; Paul Von Hindenburg was an a outspoken Monarchist.
These are mutually exclusive?
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SPD has been a liberal center-left party since it’s founding. Hindenburg’s closely held political beliefs had no bearing on the outcome of a liberal party avoiding a coalition with socialists by appointing a fascist to chancellor.
That’s a contradiction in terms: Liberalism is a right-wing philosophy; it can’t be center-left. JFC you idiots are all the same. Sometimes I wonder if y’all’re capable of having 2 consistent thoughts. Go on, tell me about how anyone who isn’t an ML is a liberal (including Anarchists) and every Liberal is a fascist.
Look, I don’t get to control how people classify political parties. That is how SPD has always been defined. Centrist parties have always had a variety of status quo-esque ideologies. Hindenburg was a monarchist and a member of the SPD, because monarchy was the recently departed political system and he wanted a return to the status quo. Liberals were also a part of SPD, and there are a variety of samey progressive liberal ideologies that seek to entrench capitalism while providing social benefits to the people. That is how a liberal center-left party can exist.
And for the record, I’m an anarcho-syndicalist.
Alright, fair enough.
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Swedish liberals do
It should be noted that “blocked the far right” means “gave far right influence over the government with no accountability instead of collaborating with social democrates”.
Renew later also let the Swedish Liberals stay in their group, so they to some degree agree with the strategy of giving the far right influence over the government as long as it means you never have to work with a socdem.
You should search about Salvador Allende if you think you can beat fascism by “peaceful means”
Firstly, never in the history of the world has fascism and authoritarianism been defeated through voting.
Second, from a socialist perpective, a liberal is a proponent of capitalism with democratic trappings.
Third lol
As Neil Gaiman once wrote in something entirely unrelated:
“‘Time is fluid here,’ said the demon.”
Only in the sense that they still exist, and thus have never truly been defeated. Fascists and authoritarians have lost elections, and thus lost or never gained power… but fascism and authoritarianism still exist as concepts. The only real way to change that is to:
A. Completely remove the concept from public consciousness, which is nigh impossible and can always be thought of again
B. Kill anyone you suspect of harboring fascist or authoritarian thoughts. Which is the kind of thing people think when they say “that just makes you a fascist/authoritarian yourself”.
You can not police thought unless you become that which you hate. You can help to foster an environment where those ideas seem silly and not worthwhile… bit not with swords or guns.
If you don’t believe that you can have what you want with democracy, with freedom of choice, with elections and voting. That your only choice is to force others to see things your way with violence… then I have some bad news for you. You are the authoritarian.
You can not force people to be free at the tip of a bayonet. They have to choose it for themselves.
We defeated fascism militarily 80 years ago, and yet it’s slowly it grew back and is poised to take power again. Everything that happened since wasn’t defeating fascism but nurturing it, as it’s been growing in power since. You are positing a false dichotomy. The only way to defeat fascism is to change to a system that doesn’t breed fascism.
We didn’t defeat fascism, we defeated fascists. Fascism didn’t stop existing because we defeated Germany in a war. It just went into hiding. A lot of that hiding in the US.
The idea that we “defeated fascism” is part of the problem with why it still exists. That we were able to shoot it in the face and it just went away.
Yes, that is literally the point of my previous comment. The problem is you are advocating a system that fosters it, not one that removes it.
What? Lol the current system breeds it. The one you explicitly endorse through voting. How is what I suggest promoting fascism? Do you even know what I would suggest or are you just making an ass of yourself?
Ah yes, let the fascists win the election rather than voting against them, which would “endorse” them somehow. Great leftist logic there.
Mate, you lot have been “voting the fascists out” for the past 80 years and they’ve only been growing stronger to the point where you’re about to get fascism in multiple northern nations (never mind the looming climate apocalypse) . Surely you must know what they call ones who keep doing the same thing and expect different results.
Mostly because people like you refuse to participate because you’d rather be “above that sort of thing”.
You won’t change shit by being an outlier. You won’t make a difference by refusing to participate. Telling everyone that the system stinks and you’re going to go make your own is how you get hundreds of systems that have no effect on anything.
You want to make change? Stop being an island unto yourself and work with other people. You don’t have to work with fascists, but you will have to work with people you don’t see as “good enough”. Because otherwise all you are is a drop in a very big ocean.
You’re literally advocating violence to enforce your point of view.
I dont know what you think that is, but it sure as fuck isn’t leftist. You don’t change minds by caving them in.
Where did you see me advocating for violence? Are you making silly assumptions again?
Fair, I took your example of “we defeated fascism militarily” and not expounded about anything else as a solution except not voting at all… I took that as your solution.
Please do explain how you will solve all our problems in such a way that you aren’t able to vote as well.
Are Labour liberals? We have a Lib Dem party who I consider the liberal party, well I assume they are anyway.
Labour right now is just the Tory party from 12 years ago. So scumbags but only massive scumbags instead of gigantic scumbags.
They’re slightly to the left of US liberals, so I guess that’s close enough for a meme.
From an American socialist perspective
No, from every proper/genuine socialist perspective (ie. one that defines socialism by the public ownership of the economy)
Except for the 90%+ of Democrats in Congress and the White House who consider bipartisanship the highest political virtue, even now that the GOP is a literal fascist party.
Those liberals are ALL about compromising with fascists.
No they don’t, they don’t care about getting leftists to agree.
When they say they care about bipartisanship, they mean they want to agree with all the new far right stuff that would probably make them richer.
Well technically it wouldn’t be bipartisanship to compromise with people who belong to no party, having been alienated from their own one by their constant sharp turns right and vehement opposition to anything left of Reagan.
Good point otherwise, though.
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Not when one of the parties is a fascist party. There’s no acceptable compromise possible with fascists.
More like progressivism is the supramarginal gyrus (the part responsible for compassion and empathy), the frontal cortex (logical reasoning), and the hippocampus (creativity) whereas conservatism is the medulla oblongata (fear and distrust) and not much more.
Besides, today’s Republican party isn’t just a conservative party. Fascism is much farther right than that, into “straight white Christian men SHOULD control everything and nobody else should have rights” territory.
The entire GOP is controlled by that cancer. There’s no redeeming traits, nobody who goes against it without being ostracized.
Is a media term for “modern Fascist but were not allowed to use that word no matter how accurate it is”.
The government exists to make life as good for as many people as possible. That’s simply not possible when giving fascists ANY of the things they want.
Not at all, rather. Part of the point is that it’s literally supposed to work against itself to keep change slow, manageable. Moderate.
Also, doctors do sever limbs that can’t be recovered. Idunno where the person you’re responding to gets their ideas but maybe they should let it serve its natural function instead of digging around in it for bad ideas.
You hear about what’s going on in Palestine lately?