“Women will like you”. As if Tesla fans like women. If you want to get them, say that Elon Musk will be there
um engenheiros devops completamente ablublue das ideia
“Women will like you”. As if Tesla fans like women. If you want to get them, say that Elon Musk will be there
So, if big enough, it can either extinguish the fire or make it waaaay worst?
That’s not the president, it is the first lady
When a single lid is the thin line between life and death…
Eles descontinuaram tem um tempinho.
Essa música é PIKA!!!
E recomendo DEMAIS o clipe
Well, I really hope that it remains “go to college”. As someone with a good career in my area, with good positions and salaries, even without a college education, I still think that the lack of college education still makes me have several gaps and difficulties.
I was fooled for some time by the idea that college education isn’t needed and I hope this generation doesn’t do the same.
But some careers I think it will be good for the long future:
And, the thing that I wish someone told me in a trustable way when I was a teenager: go with your happiness, the sucess is there, because success is WAY MORE than make money
Esse aí é arrombado nível máximo. Usou da pauta anti-bolsonarista pra se vender de esquerda e rapidinho, tão logo ficou fácil pingar dinheiro liberal pelo alcance, ele pulou. Verme da pior estirpe.
E eu acho que se pá esse post que ele compartilhou deve ser fácil pq não tem nenhuma ideia de criar uma moeda de uso único pelas pessoas, o plano é sair do sistema SWIFT para as transações entre os países, não entre as pessoas.
EDIT: Até pq nem são mais só esses 5 países que são membros-pleno
Eu acho que um aviso em negrito no começo do post explicando, ou algumas tags tipo “Conteúdo gráfico, palavras de baixo-calão” e essas coisas já ajudam muito, dado que o Lemmy de fato não tem essa opção
Me incomoda ler, mas acho necessário. Mas valeria um disclaimer chamativo no começo avisando que a história é pesada (e, nesse caso, MUITO MUITO gráfica pq tá BEM detalhado)
And the fact is “mechanic automated” system for me is what makes it even cooler. All you had to do to start is twist it a couple revolutions and bang, it works as long as you have fuel because everything simply works. Of course, today you have electronic fuel injection and so one, but if you want you can make it works just with a lot of metal to do the right parts.
Man, I’ll miss combustion engines (but I hope its use ends ASAP because planet can’t wait anymore)
I advise you to spend 5 minutes on LinkedIn. It is enough to make even Twitter looks like heaven
Oki, so pictures didn’t load :( hahahaha
Anxiety blocked me from doing that before, but here are more pictures with the other things cleverly pointed by you, that indeed make everything even prettier
Then it will be easy to assume it was made by some Friend’s fan, given they’ve decided to call a ROCK ANALYSIS ROBOT Ross
Short enough for not be pants
I write in the official communication language of the company, because that’s guaranteed that everyone that will be hired will have to speak that language. I came from Brazil and it is a massive country and most of the population doesn’t have access to good English courses, so I like to go with the easiest solution for all future joiners
I don’t know about him, but I’m pretty sure I’m high enough to this whole thread being invented in my head because that’s the only explanation that would make it sense hahahau