Nah, no point in talking about pure fiction, mate.
Nah, no point in talking about pure fiction, mate.
Also remove null reference
Killing of a country’s citizens by its own people or government
Intragroup Genocide (ex, the Khmer Rouge conflict in Cambodia)
Probably mean the first definition.
False. If the mass vanished via magic, the effect would ripple out at the speed of light. Source, gravity waves which move at the speed of light.
But did you consider the letters from Paul? I can assure you, powerful rich people are definitely right according to Paul. Or, if not wrong, can be saved merely through their faith.
“Sneezing isn’t normal”
Thank fuck my stim is “go to a place with no one else, pace back and forth, and talk to myself” and my parents defended me doing it against my sibling’s objections. Because literally no one was harmed by me doing it.
They had a hard time selling Keira Knightley as her double because of it, but then George Lucas discovered padding.
It’s supposed to be CO2, not CO.
Holy shit! The word of Gods! I understand now! Stand with me, my comrades. The time is nigh. THE TIME IS NIGH!
Cassandra, cursed by Apollo to have the gift of prophecy but to never be believed.
Feels like a good amount of those, this season.
Just a heads up, while Johnny Cash’s first wife was indeed black, she didn’t know it at the time (she was passing and so were her parents). They both thought she was Italian (and said as much when the KKK started harassing her) and it wasn’t until after their divorce that she found out she had African heritage.
Not to take away from the sentiment, though. Cash was a good, if troubled, man.
It’s just the juxtaposition between a suicide and talking about grammar (in this case, an eggcorn) that creates the humor.
It’s a rental for all intents and purposes because they ain’t gonna have to pay for it.
The issue I have is there is no surpassing to happen here. We’ve platued on possible AI milestones, so the only new move will be the next big thing… which is impossible to predict when it’ll happen.
Cursed name for a state park, Christ
It’s not a question of if your urinary tract will explode, but where.
Nah, my shit is borderline unintelligible madness.