I’m in a catch 22 situation. I want to go to a four year college, but I was previously placed in the remedial track and have a poor academic standing. If I go to a community college, I could improve my grades, but the material they cover is a replacement for high school classes and I’d be precluded from signing up for entry classes at the four year college. This seems like to would put me at a disadvantage when that finally happened and I would only be setting myself up for long term failure.
I’d consider CC if I could “transfer” in as a freshman to a four year, but the colleges I looked into all have rules against applying as a freshman if you have two years worth of credits. When I tried CC, the material was absolutely high school level just with smaller font in the textbooks.
I’m not OP, but I’m confused by this edit. Are you seeing that OP is indicating they aren’t an American/in the American academic system? I’m not seeing that anywhere. I agree with what you said and even see pathways OP can take, but if they aren’t in the American academic system, then my advice wouldn’t be helpful either.
I’m just not familiar with any system where community college courses can boost a highschool GPA. I may just be misunderstanding the post though