No. The seed thing is explicitly so the farmers could grow the same crop from year to year. If you grow a cucumber in the same plot as squash, the seeds from both will be a hybrid and not give you anything useful. Cucurbits are notoriously easy to hybridize and create useless offspring. The genetic mechanics wouldn’t have been know, but you would still see the results. People needed to live in groups then and now. No farmer would ever be able to be completely self sufficient regardless, especially then.
I was thinking more along the lines of shellfish for a primarily desert people or the Rabbi being the defacto food inspector.
uh, they get it from the ag departments from their state/local universities. They didn’t have universities back then.
Also, while most farmers probably knew not to do hybrids back then, the consequences of loosing an entire year’s harvest of a stable crop would mean famine for the tribe. You can’t just ask for half of a neighboring village’s seed stock. It was important enough to make it a sin.