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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The rate isn’t too bad actually, but when your household is a larger consumer anyway and you’re charging 2 EVs consumption gets up there. We have also switched to an induction stove, heat pump water heater, added a heat pump dryer, and just recently had our gas furnace ripped out and a cold climate heat pump put in for the HVAC.

    With all of that the electricity usage the bill goes up, but we can wipe it out with solar and now we don’t have natural gas bills or gasoline costs for transportation. The up front costs can be high with this approach, but the monthly bills are nearly non-existent.

  • I’d like to know how close I was and in what ways I can become a more interesting candidate, but nobody is going to give me a realistic answer.

    I can tell you from the employer side there is nothing to gain by answering this question asked by a candidate, and everything to lose which is why you the candidate almost never hear a response.

    There are some legally protected reasons you cannot be turned down for a job. Its all the stuff you’d think of: race, religion, marital status, sex, age, etc. The likelihood you were turned down because of one of these illegal reasons is usually very low in the USA. I’m proud to say for the hiring efforts I’ve been a part of, these have never been considered criteria for disqualifying a candidate. Its always been for things like lack of knowledge/education, criminal history (example multi-DUI for a job that requires driving or conviction of embezzling when put in charge of company finances ), etc.

    However, any documented reason a prospective employer gives back to a candidate becomes a liability. Will that candidate sue the company claiming that they weren’t hired because they think the position required some not married, which would be a crime of the employer?

  • Sorry for the long story, just sitting here late in bed not knowing what I should do.

    First, don’t put much weight in what me, as an internet stranger, is saying.

    I do see a psychiatrist

    That’s a much better source of advice.

    However, if it were me, I would not have him in my life. You have your own family and likely career. Imagine what he might do to both of those things. You said he has accused you of physically abusing him. Could you imagine him showing up at your employer saying those things and how that would affect your life? From what you’re describing he hasn’t changed a bit over all of these years. If you feel absolutely driven to do something for him, offer to pay for him to see a therapist. However, I don’t recommend even this. I’m reminded of the quote:

    “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” - Maya Angelou

    He’s chosen his path in life. Don’t let his poor choices negatively affect your life and your wife.

  • Only about 300 years, from your own link you kindly provided:

    I think you need to read that carefully again. Squirrels have been in North America for millions of years before Europeans arrived. The part you quoted was where Europeans took a specific species of squirrel found in North America, the eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), back with them to England.

    The rest of that quoted piece talks about that specific species of North American squirrel’s spread around other parts of North American.

  • It’s soo ridiculous the hoops a person would go through to avoid a slight bitter taste.

    I figured out a fix for the avoidance of horrible tasting medicine:

    The simplest and easiest way to use it is with an ice cube or two. Get the pill/liquid medicine you have to get down your throat ready, your ice cubes, a cup of water and stand in front of a sink. Put the ice in your mouth and let it sit on your tongue for 15 to 60 seconds. Yes, its going to be cold and slightly uncomfortable. The longer you can stand it the better your result. After this time has passed with the ice in your mouth your tongue will be numb. Spit out the ice in the sink, you’ll have 5-15 seconds where you can’t taste a goddamn thing which is plenty of time. At this point you could put the most disgusting flavored thing (sour, bitter, etc) and you won’t be able to taste it. Quickly get the medicine in your mouth and chug that full glass of water. Taste will start to return within about 3 or 5 seconds of chugging water, so make sure you drink enough to clear your mouth of whatever bad flavor you’re trying to avoid.

    This whole process adds perhaps 2 minutes tops to taking medicine. For those that have difficulty this is a tiny fraction of time usually spent avoiding taking it, or the recovery process for taking it normally.

    If you need more incentive (especially for kids) instead of using ice cubes and spitting that out. You can use ice cream or milk shakes and just swallow those. Same rules apply: put the ice cream in your mouth and let it sit on your tongue as long as its frozen. Its a little more involved than ice cubes because you might have to have two or three spoonfuls to get your tongue numb.