Hyprland is a right-wing community, because a sole moderator is being a dick to the trans community? Am I reading that correctly? Must be missing some context
Hyprland is a right-wing community, because a sole moderator is being a dick to the trans community? Am I reading that correctly? Must be missing some context
Weirdly that sounds identical to many of the hallucinations that newer LLMs are making.
And yet I still have electronics to this day that require me to pull the plug to get going again 😂
Now that is more what I had in mind! I’ll definitely be using this, thanks
Always wondered why this wasn’t automated, from an ergonomics perspective, a command that lets me open a shell could detect that no shell exists, and then do as you said, without me having to lift a finger. It’s not very unix-y, but it could be a sort of plug-in for Docker CLIs.
I agree they are good. But his content is the opposite of “a short 15-30 minute video on a topic”. He has like 2 hour long videos where he talks about dishwashing.
I wish it was the year of Linux, and they get 90%+ market share overnight when Gabe Newell announces you can play Half Life 3 exclusively on Steam OS, which includes in-game copies of The Winds of Winter, Doors of Stone, an English translation of Mother 3, and footage of 10 seasons of Firefly that had secretly been produced in private for Gabe.
The downside is they start the enshittification process immediately. The DRMs get worse, then the ads come, and finally the lawsuits and psyops on distros that treat us well and give us options.
It’s great when you have a problem and you just stumble upon a solution on Lemmy out of nowhere.
I stand corrected, looks like it was iOS 13 and newer that offered support for this, so it could go all the way back to the SE.
It’s also extremely naive of anyone who has played the games. Ciri is the obvious choice to continue the story. Half of the books are about her, and as Geralt’s only kid, who better to tell the story of what comes next. Especially seeing as she is the only young person alive trained in the ways of a Witcher at the end of the 3rd game.
MacBooks delay charging past 80% because in most cases you don’t actually need it, and it’ll extend the battery life. You can disable it in settings if you want though, I use Al Dente instead to manage my battery.
iPhone 15 and newer do the same.
I had a similar experience in the last year. They basically try to trick you into paying. They know exactly what they are doing too.
This one time a few years ago I literally went in for a check up (first time all year) to find I had a completely new doctor assigned to me. And I couldn’t even make this shit up if I tried. The new doctor was not in my network, they did not inform me during my visit, and he tried to get me to do shit (upcharge) that fortunately I outright refused the entire time we spoke.
When the bill came they tried to charge me out of network prices, and I basically fought them for six months saying that it was a surprise bill until they finally gave up. I don’t plan on ever going back to that office again in my life.
I suppose under a certain lens realism can be viewed as depressing. But when you remember we are all stardust, born from explosions, a rare occurrence in and of itself that resulted in our lives, one doesn’t need remembrance to feel special about themselves. That becomes somewhat trivial in the grand scheme of the universe.
In fact it almost seems like a cry for help to want to be remembered, like as if you are so fearful of death that you’d waste the time you were given making others think you’re somehow better than the rest, when the truth is we are all more alike than we are different.
Anywho, that’s just my perspective on things, cheers
Maybe if you count the rooster, and Clugg banging on rocks outside the cave as alarm clocks.
You make it sound like he didn’t successfully shoot him. Honestly if trump wasn’t so goddamn fidgety on stage I think he would be dead right now.
But is it? This same year a kid was an inch or two away from making a bullet enter Trumps brain.
He’s not the CEO of a healthcare company, but he’s certainly at the helm of many companies, and will soon be president of the states.
Tried to to do this today, and my coworker replied to me with, “well have you heard that the CEO of UH was gunned down in Manhattan this morning?”
Wasn’t the kind of chill I was expecting
It’ll vary by the software you have, and the phone you have. Many companies have been caught capturing microphone recordings such as Google, Meta and Amazon over the years to name a few.
It also depends on the appliances you own, and how you have them configured. TVs, Alexa, hell we even have refrigerators that have live mics on them now.
I have worked for tech my whole life, this is table stakes for these organizations, ethics be damned.
I agree, a gateway drug is what we are looking for. Imagine trying to learn how to run before you learned how to walk. We are asking a lot of the masses if we want to see user growth here without a simple and easy to understand starting place.
I think the hardest concept for beginners to grok is that they can’t login with one account to all instances. If we were to improve the UX around that experience solely, we would see greater adoption.