Hitting the gym
Hitting the gym
What do you mean capitalism WAS a misstake? Did I miss a memo?
Do you actually want us not to repost it?
Because it hasn’t been posted yet…
So you are saying that isn’t already the case?
Considering it’s the norm when you aren’t doing something genre typical to take two ir more genres and just smoish the names together. This way you get things like blackened death metal (black plus death) or epic gothic power metal (take a guess). Now smoosh those teo examples together and you get something like blackened gothic melodic death metal. See that there, now we get into the transformative properties of metal subgenres. Death metal with a bit more melody and structure, which power metal has in spades, becomes melodic death metal.
Fun isn’t it? Also I may have bullshitted together half of the above. But it is a real thing
Funeral Doom Metal is too occupied walloping in a blacked pit of despair to join the chat
Waiting on the bus.
But it will run quiter. And I can attack KOMs harder. Et cetera.
But yes for working out a watt is a watt is a watt
Marginal gains. Expensive marginal gains. I’m glad I’m not into that. When it comes to saving weight it is far better for me to shave it of me rather than the bike. And cheaper too!
The Craigslist hybrid? Riding the beater is often so much fun because you feel like you are allowed to ride it hard. Or it couldbe the older geometry making it more lively.
Bicycling for me. Started off with a cheap old bike that I tried keeping in as goid condition as possible without spending too much on it. Problem with old bikes is wear and tear so things break and new old parts are hard to cheaply. So it became a hackjob. Then got me a new one and realised riding on roads only got boring so I started experimenting with gravel and singletrack.
Guess what? Time for a new bike. And a more expensive one. Carbon. And to maintain it I needed more tools. Also new tubes as the spare ones I had didn’t fit that big of tyres. Also moved to a new place and now I got a MTB arena within a few km from home. So of course I had to get me one of those. And to maintain the suspension I needed new stuff, oils and tools.
Clothing. Bags. Events. It becomes a lot after a while.
Also planning for bike nr4, a steel fatbike. Promised myself not to buy anything this year, but the year is soon over…
Did I mention bikepacking? Yeah that is another big black hole of expenses. But a fair bit of overlap with backpacking so costs are split.
You know that meme with a guy celebrating what looks like a win but isn’t. That’s what I do. Because I must find myself awesome.