sapient [they/them]

Autistic queer trans²humanist and anarchist. Big fan of dense cities, code, automation, neurodiversity, and self-organising resilient networks.

Pronouns: they/them, xe/xem, ze/zem

Favourite Programming Language: Rust

Alt-Account Of:

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • In particular, I’ve figured out a way to specify sentiment/interests efficiently and combine it reliably over federation, and the data structures required to do that.

    I’ve also provided some ideas for sensible defaults (automatic selection of instances, and accounting for instance load), with incremental enhancements to specificity for more advanced users ^.^, as well as a general search mechanism that can be derived from this - though for efficiency, it might be worth trying to develop some sort of probabalistic reverse index to avoid a linear scan, if we’re talking about discovering entities like users or groups where there may be very large numbers.

    I hope that if people are interested they will boost the post onto Mastodon, which afaik is where the devs and ActivityPub standards people are, and try and get the ball rolling, because my focus is elsewhere right now, and the social aspects of developing things like this are much more difficult for me than the algorithmic and architectural parts ;3

  • My idea is meant to allow for a spectrum from simply “pick an instance for me” using the weightings for an assumed “the user is interested primarily in general discussion”, to “search for an instance for me related to xyz topics as a search query”, to fine-tuned discovery ^.^

    The weighting is always necessary to use because it allows instances to have more control over who they accept and avoid overloading smaller instances. But you can make the default UI very simple.

  • This is actually kind of a general activitypub thing. I might do that but that feels like I’d have to make it was more refined and go through some formal process, and I hate doing that kind of thing and find it quite difficult, especially since my attention is elsewhere now.

    I kinda just want to put it out here so people with more attention and time and knowledge can push it forward or e.g. boost it onto mastodon. Though if it really goes nowhere I might do something? Idk ;p