Rich white dudes have great health insurance.
Rich white dudes have great health insurance.
The SECOND Fairphone starts shipping to Canada, I’ll buy one…
I tackle this two ways.
I ensure that I have a progress pride bracelet, pin, or other clearly visible symbol of allieship on me at all times. I also have prominently displayed safe space signage around my office. There should be zero ambiguity of my support - my hope is that this both makes 2SLGBTQIA+ and any other marginalized individuals feel welcome around me, and I also find it reduces inappropriate jokes or comments from the broader organization. People KNOW that I will make a stink if they are assholes. I try to ensure a safe bubble around me.
The other thing I do is try to make it clear to my team that I care about them as people - they aren’t cogs in a machine.
Ultimately, it’s up to my team members to decide if talking with me will help or hurt. I just try to make sure that my door is wide open.
I wanted kids when I was younger, but wasn’t ready to give up my freedom. Once I was ready for kids the world (and the future in particular) looks so bleak that it doesn’t seem fair to the theoretical kiddo to say ‘hey, here’s a dumpster fire - good luck’. Instead I babysit for my friends and family, spoil the kids around me, and sleep in on the weekend. I also have more time for activism and trying to ensure a brighter future for kiddos.
No regrets.
Yea, I’ve looked at that. The issue is when I break it - and I always break my phones. I wouldn’t be able to quickly fix my phone because I’d need to order the parts via a shipping forwarder. I use my phone for work and going a couple of weeks without a device isn’t viable.