I was thinking grub may be unable to find the correct initrd for some reason, like missing grub modules. This doesn’t make sense since it can boot your vanilla image and doesn’t print an error when booting your image.
I was thinking grub may be unable to find the correct initrd for some reason, like missing grub modules. This doesn’t make sense since it can boot your vanilla image and doesn’t print an error when booting your image.
If it hangs after grub’s EFI loader I would check the EFI grub install… But I don’t know luks so no idea what to look for.
Or you can send your windows 11 incompatible PCs to me, I’ll take good care of them 😁
Bansi Buddy and NetZero of course!
But really it’s winamp, which of course I would still use on Linux except I’ve become a disciple of the streaming gods.
Plus software like that probably runs great in wine or proton or whatever the new thing is
I second the idea that this is a bad idea, but…
Maybe a remote desktop solution is what you want, keep your data local or in your cloud account and provide remote access to a machine that can use it?
You could roll your own self destruct script that will wipe the machine on boot if it hasn’t phoned home in a while. You would want to lock the bios and use secure boot. Qubes may have some relevant features.
Also, consider getting a Chromebook instead. ChromeOS is already a walled garden and I think they are remote wipeable and they can run a Linux vm supported by elgoog.
Get Ubuntu, uninstall the terminal emulator, disable vt switching, there you go.
Excellent post. I agree wholeheartedly, especially with having a separate box to play with. I’ve gotten away with using a separate partition for experimenting but it isn’t as good as another machine, plus great computers are dirt cheap these days so there’s little reason not to have one.
Every moment is a point of no return, unfortunately.
Obligatory mention of file recovery as an option if you get in this situation.I recommend testdisk but there are other more gui friendly options.
NTFS takes a relatively long time to destroy the data so chances of recovery are good on Windows.
And Mac! Whatever that means 🤣
It’s because people put in the hard work of writing amazing macros instead of baking code reuse into the type system itself 😁 I’m a rust noob and I love the derive macro.
Have you looked through the kernel logs? dmesg will usually show something relevant when wakeup from sleep is malfunctioning, and may show something about the USB charging as well.
So the patch is just copying the existing warning to a standard location?
It’s definitely not a clear cut rule, but generally places with higher population density vote more blue
Data from 2020 here: https://engaging-data.com/election-population-density/
I’m interested in how this is changing, my understanding is that many rural areas were more liberal historically.
Let’s be real, it’s city vs. country no matter where you are.
Sheesh can we get on with replacing pdf?
Have you read through this thread? https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-8682734.html
Seems relevant by the first few posts.