• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Yep.

    There are two big end-user security decisions that are totally mystifying to me about Lemmy. One is automatically embedding images in comments without rehosting the images, and the other is failing to warn people that their upvotes and downvotes are not actually private.

    I’m not trying to sit in judgement of someone who’s writing free software but to me those are both negligent software design from an end-user privacy perspective.

  • Of note about this is that image links in comments aren’t rehosted by Lemmy. That means it would be possible to flood a community with images hosted by a friendly or compromised server, and gather a lot of information about who was reading that community (how many people, and all their IP address and browser fingerprint information, to start with) by what image requests were coming in kicked off by people seeing your spam.

    I didn’t look at the image spam in detail, but if I’m remembering right the little bit of it I looked at, it had images hosted by lemmygrad.ml (which makes sense) and czchan.org (which makes less sense). It could be that after uploading the first two images to Lemmygrad they realized they could just type the Markdown for the original hosting source for the remaining three, of course.

    It would also be possible to use this type of flood posting as a smokescreen for a more targeted plan of sending malware-infected images, or more specifically targeted let’s-track-who-requests-this-image-file images, to a more limited set of recipients.

    Just my paranoid thoughts on the situation.

  • He’s just trying to help you, dude. lemmy.world is by far the biggest instance; 3x the users of the next biggest instance and much more than most. But, lemmy.world is also defederated from some notable instances like beehaw and hexbear. Another instance which also has in the tens of thousands of users (enough to be subscribed to “most stuff”) might well give you better search results.

    You may decide that the defederated-from-here instances aren’t worth bothering with, with some justification, but you came in asking for help, he’s trying to help you, and you’re lecturing him about what’s what. 🙄

  • It’s definitely factual. That’s why I linked to some examples of rape. The occupying forces are committing rape. Want me to try to find more examples? Or do the same for occupation, killing, torture, and systematic dehumanization?

    The fact that now that I’ve read up a little bit more, I think it’s genuinely pretty unfair to put that in there in the way that I did, and that context needs to be added, doesn’t change the fact that rape has occurred because of what Israel is doing in the Palestinian territories. It also doesn’t change the overall thesis of what my comment was in the slightest.

    The wider point, that us being allowed to have this conversation is a good thing and that forbidding this conversation would be a bad thing, was more my point. I won’t claim to be perfect or right all the time, and I’ll be pretty honest about it if I learn something or realize I got something wrong. But if you want to talk about what Israeli forces are doing in Palestine I’m happy to do that and back up anything I’m saying or have said.

  • But, within the context of lemmy.ml worldnews, I don’t have the right to say this thing. That’s the whole reason we’re talking about this. Plenty plenty of times online and offline I’ve said some thing and everyone’s yelled at me about how I’m wrong, and that’s completely fine with me. Removing the comment is a different story. And yes, I got butthurt about it and came to complain about it. Is it legal? Sure, they’re not the government, so the first amendment doesn’t apply to them. Can I go somewhere else? Sure. Do I feel like complaining because the mod did that? Sure. And so, here we are.

    If that behavior by mods doesn’t bother you once you read the context, then you’re not the target audience and you don’t need to care, no. That part is completely up to you.