<Scientists holding their ears to the ground>
<Scientists holding their ears to the ground>
What if aliens have no bones so they call humans bonies?
And they do an impression like “Oh look at human me… don’t think about biosphere collapse. Uhh, sure hope I don’t slip on solid water and break my bone legs in the tax-filing business parking-lot! (my body is not proficient at such recovery and I cannot afford access to medical machines)”
I actually was going to say something like that but got bored with it. I’d rather watch NWAR again for the detective puns.
The name’s Diff… Diff Fective.
You think I’m Abe Normal? No, but I have a lot of respect for them, really pushing the meta strategy further than ever.
I’m built diffefectively 🫠
As someone untreated (and shut-in), the grass isn’t green here either. I don’t know what the here-and-now alternative is, especially as a well-understood and very-effective med that can be taken irregularly is probably an exception rather than the norm (esp. for something serious/underlying).
If somebody finds a combo of meds that makes them more-than-somewhat functional I think that’s great, I don’t care how you try to frame it. I’m probably not surviving any sort of collapse either, not that I’d even want to. (someone on meds might do better if they can taper off)
I take more issue with the cost and hoops of the US health-insurance system (+other stuff like transportation). It’s a failure even by “pick two” standards… if it’s “you try this first” or 4 appointments for testing/specialists before one step is made it would be much better if bureaucracy weren’t also an issue.
Specifically with the gov’t imploding now (and the impending rug pull) I’m not sure what I could ever do unless there was a real chance someone will let me be a test subject for physical brain preservation (and they’d move my brain some other not-imploding country).
Go into a local field and tame a wild horse??? Probably healthier that way anyways (all-natural, soul-bond)
But did you know that women who own horses are likely to live on average 15 years longer than women who do not own horses? Why wouldn’t people get a majestic car-sized animal to improve their well-being, are they stupid?
It is a new community, so that’s part of it.
W/config I actually meant it probably should be nsfw by default. Though no idea. It’s not an nsfw-specific instance so it could also be an issue.
Alternatively, this could be an instance-related protest. The context with that being: there is also an anti-trans poster on that instance and people are complaining about the lack of an admin response.
Damng, I never understood Dr John P. Wheezer’s song as much as I do right now.
You an’ me baby, ain’t nothin’ but mammals so let’s do it like they do on the good cooking channels
Cannibal by Tally Hall type situation (though unlikely, as I am boring and my flesh is probably sub-par quality due to poor health), maybe with me listening to that* while zonked out my gourd sauteing a chunk of my own arm with mixed vegetables. I usually don’t cook meat though, so maybe they’d do that bit.
* Also relevant but more of an emo aesthetic, Misery Meat or People Eater by Sodikken
Water? Preposterous!
A giant pot of delicious soon-to-be stew, however… mighty tempting, doc! You’ll have to treat me right though, you wouldn’t want to get food poisoning from stringy meat would ya?
I’m thinking more of a voluntary program.
That shadowm’n on her 1am walk is gonna go away quickly if I’m with her and she ices me right there in the Applebee’s parking-lot 🫠 she’s allowed to do it. It happens all the time…
My more immediate thought is that most people couldn’t even get within 100 miles, and this says nothing of training/planning etc. “why doesn’t somebody do something” is probably just wish fulfillment by others who feel powerless to do anything about it.
The blocky white outline on everything in your example I’d say is a technical issue (common with beginners) not one that others who have used a digital art program would likely consider a stylistic choice. Home Movies is imperfect and minimalist, but it is well-presented… and even season 2 is much smoother due to the switch to Flash, which may be part of it.
Weird stuff was either successful because the good outweighed the bad (the really bad stuff gets lost to time)… or because seemingly-bad choices were deliberate, had technical benefits, and were skillfully done.
In other words, there’s a big difference between something being “experimental” and it being early practice.
Though I will say sometimes style/proportions just bother people especially when common, see the hate for cal-arts memes.
I used to hate the texture, but if cooked right they will be tender (canned mushrooms are probably better added near the end of cooking). Gumminess can also be masked by balancing it with other food (particularly meat, vegetables like potato/squash/broccoli) to chew against/alongside it.
Probably doesn’t help if you don’t like the taste, though that could just come down to mushroom variety if not also what dish it’s in (spices etc).
Also humans lack a stable tooth-friendly microbiome in their mouths. At least not ones in modern societies, I mean maybe someone in remote areas of the world (who has never eaten refined sugar and never used mouthwash, still eats unprocessed+fibrous foods etc.)?
My Aesthetic (by Subterranean Losers)
The most common reason people don’t get therapy is probably that it’s expensive.
Well, that and there’s many reasons why it isn’t something most people can just “give it a shot” (transportation, waiting lists and time slots, and paperwork/other hassle for the appointment itself)
That was off the top of my head, but here’s a chart: