I’m Hunter Perrin. I’m a software engineer.
I wrote an email service: https://port87.com/
I write free software: https://github.com/sciactive
I don’t know. Maybe.
I can dislocate four of my fingers. I can use this to do the finger splits.
I can also lay all my fingers flat on my palm (same hand, I’m not being a smartass). Can’t bend them all the way back though.
The nature and scope of the request.
Either Funko is lying or their “brand protection partner” is lying. Also, what the fuck does Funko have to protect? The only thing they actually created was those beady little eyes they put on everyone else’s IP.
There’s is already an operating system like that.
I mean, kind of. Conservatives don’t view Donald Trump and Elon Musk as the wealthy elite that they are. They view them as “political outsiders”. So yeah, people want change from the status quo, because the status quo is broken for so many.
I don’t think the guy making 12 million dollars a year off the suffering of the poor counts as a fall guy.
Robin Hood, famous fascist.
I sure hope so with how difficult the rich are making it to just fucking get by in this world. Just having more wealth and power than anyone in the history of mankind isn’t enough for them; they have to make sure everyone else has nothing.
You can also buy mustard. Like, hello! All someone has to do is boil that, and they have mustard gas!
Objectively, Chinese characters look cooler than latin characters, so he can just shut up and let us get water tattooed on us.
I have a collection of vintage phones. Like, rotary phones from the 60s and earlier. I’d probably drop them. It would be very loud.
A lot of marketing, but also he had to be incredibly talented and successful for the marketing to work, and he was.
Thriller is the best selling album of all time by a wide margin:
Nah, I think this should tank them as a company. Once a scammer, always a scammer.
This wine sounds like a white wine.
Flying bugs often can’t fly when their wings are wet. They go in for a drink, get wet, then can’t get out. If there were some dirt on the edge, they could swim out and dry off, but a glass isn’t made of dirt, so it’s harder to get a grip on vertical glass or glazed drinkware.
Wine and sweet drinks are even worse, because the bugs are attracted to the scent, and they often don’t have as much surface tension as water, which means the bug can’t just land on it, and when they fall in the liquid fills their respiratory system (basically little holes in their exoskeleton).
If only I had just spent $60. Unfortunately I spent about $30,000.
Did you get the kind that can also make dinner? Wait, am I thinking of a microwave?
You know that list of the richest people in the world?