How big is your house that he needs to text? Or do you sleep in the panic room?
Depends where you put the finger
Fags contain Glucose, lmao
Just FYI, currently in Sweden I pay the equivalent of about $10 for the standard tier without ads.
They only recently increased it to the close to $10. Currently I am OK paying that since my kid is actually using Netflix frequently.
As soon as the price goes higher, or they introduce ads in any way or once they start peddling their shitty mobile games on the child account, we’re out.
They already started to not have non-English audio for a few pretty popular movies, which is a weird move and makes it less usable for us as well.
Already got Jellyfin setup, so no worries for the future on my end.
I’m turning 43 in June.
My 1941-born husband.
Hi, question for Ms. Bellamy. In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
Not true… there’s also Star Trek and Linux here.
Is sci-hub updated again? I mean its good it still works for papers older than a few years, but does it for papers from the last few years?
Saving this to reshare in 2047
Can’t tell if stupid or further shitposting
Have you seen the Internet recently?
I thought this is going the direction of the ship wrecking because the light house is off for the blind date.
No wonder, shit’s on fire a lot these days.
I hope your workplace doesn’t use Teams. Everyone in that meeting will get a notification that you already started that meeting 15 minutes early.
For everything else other than arriving 15 min early at work, I agree. Your boss has no right to ask you to come earlier than your agreed time. If I had a boss like that I would make sure to leave 15 minutes earlier, since obviously I should be home 15 minutes earlier too!
I wouldn’t say it is complex but rather they have the shittiest UI I have ever seen, which makes it so difficult to use.