“The future ain’t what it used to be.”
-Yogi Berra
Idk, I remember hide-and-go-seek being pretty sick as a kid. I don’t often see it mentioned.
ok. no worries. just never heard of of it.
coffee meme?
The DNC leadership would rather have control and fascism then have to share power but hold Congress and the white house
Bruh it won’t matter.
This is just pattenly untrue.Unless you litterally live I. a corporate news echo chamber, the writing for this has been on the wall, and being discussed as such, litterally everywhere.
However, it was also being downvoted at a preposterously high ratio. So while it was present, Lemmy (and reddit too and pretty much all social media) was dutifully ignoring and abusing those saying that Kamala wasn’t winning.
Not only that, but there were bans, and significant bias in moderation behavior to support the building of that echo chamber.
So no. Only if you live in a self construct d bubble was this not obvious since the convention.
Idk, rightwingers made the argument that they are under no commitment to certify if they think there was funny business.
I could see this working if it were done in the style of “End of Evangelion”, and it ended with Marty straddling and strangling Doc, for all of eternity.
You just get started. Its part of the reason I’ve always preferred either forums or fark/ digg/ reddit/ lemmy style conversations.
Also, writing is a skill. You get better at it with time. Its like how a TV show host can just ‘riff’ on a topic. I think responding to comments has definitely improved my ability to write in particular style (engaging/ proactive/ enthusiastic, whatever.).
It also helps to be familiar with markdown, as good formatting makes the writing more satisfying.
Good suggestion. Will try. Any idea how to profile which plug-in?
I think Republicans want authoritarianism any way they can get it, and ideological consistency is not a priority for them.
It would just be instant validation of the power women hold.
This is the most gendered/ sexist view I have: women, across all age groups, are more responsible then men.
It might be because culture, it might be because whatever. But generally speaking, women of all ages hold their shit together (make payments on time, go to the doctor, finish the paper work, register to vote, etc…) at a higher rate then men. Young men in the age group of 14-24 are particularly terrible in this regard.
If women have a woman as an option, and the premise that women can take this seat of power, they’ll break hard in that direction. Might be a conservative piece of shit like Thatcher, but it will be a very long time for men to catch up once this dam breaks. I expect both sides to double down on this strategy if it works.
If women take down Trump here, its the last time we have a male president for a very, very long time.
Oh no. Anyways.
The universe originated as a vibrational wave from Fred Flintstone playing a dinosaur bone keyboard.
This old.