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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The issue is taking a broad concept and making it mean a very specific one instead.

    (Please note I am an atheist that lived for years in a “Muslim country”. I don’t actually agree with any of the below, but understanding what words are intended to mean is important when you are surrounded by their use in 2 different contexts).

    Fatwa: a Sharia law ruling by an imam

    Fatwa (western): a ruling by an imam that a person is not protected by the law and therefore a target for assassination

    Hijab: men and women of Islam should maintain a sense of visual propriety in order to avoid devaluing what can be seen in private.

    Hijab (western): that cloth Islamic women wear on their head.

    Jihad: the righteous struggles that each human faces to choose a difficult path for good reasons.

    Jihad (western): a holy war of aggression against infidels

  • I just hate the pathetic effort they put into the quotes. Sean Bean was a weird choice anyway (“what do people universally and forever like? Game Of Thrones I suppose!”) but then they had him read quotes from literal blogs and often quotes that shat all over the technology you’d just researched. Oh! I completed a wonder! I definitely want to hear a quote about how it’s obsolete now and its abandonment caused immense poverty in the Ruhr valley.

    That and the movement towards nations instead of, yknow, Civilizations. Sorry Australia, you are not a Civilisation. Nor is Canada. Nor Scotland. How do we have Scotland - an independent country for less than 300 years - and not the fucking Celts.