In my complete lack of knowledge of SK politics it appears to be an unpopular president accused of corruption trying to stay in power to avoid… The said corruption chargers
In my complete lack of knowledge of SK politics it appears to be an unpopular president accused of corruption trying to stay in power to avoid… The said corruption chargers
You just described my previous job 😞😭😞
I like Manjaro
Not sure that Flash Gordon can work without Brian Blessed 😞😭
It sounds like instead of ‘disallow’ list you want an ‘allow’ list feature…
Nah don’t worry this was your first and last election anyway
I do use it… Sad 😢😭
It’s opt out
Xfce… Because I donno, been using it for many years
I think by “plugin” op means electric rafiator filled with some special oil that dissipates heat. So it’s still electric just the heating element will heat and circulate oil.
Story of my life, its always a special place and then i can’t find it…
Russia is big, in the south it can easily reach +40 degrees in summer if not more. Can imagine they did not build in air-conditioning back in those days
Looks like someone you don’t wanna cross in a dark alleyway…
It likely was an attempt to get more people out of rent into home ownership (as home owners are more likely to vote conservative here) but what they failed to predict is that people would then resell on open market at higher cost when demand was high.
No just own musings, no mainstream political party in uk would pick it up
This has been tried in UK for council properties where the tenant has the right to buy. It was introduced by conservatives back last century 1980s) and has led to decimation of council housing stock needed for housing homeless and those or low incomes.
Objectively it ended up being a terrible policy for renters now.
A better way forward is to ensure there are no private and corporate landlords and only local councils are allowed to provide homes for rent. This ensuring local rent controls and stock.
Go to elections with this and you got my vote!
The system is only broken because humans are dicks to other humans