• 5 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


  • Using workarounds to attempt to get foreign software running on an operating system for which is was never built is always going to be fraught with problems.

    If the game isn’t distributed compiled for your platform, then you are a second class citizen and no amount of API wrappers, translation layers, VMs or whatever will ever address the core issue.

    Running a game in Proton (Wine) is not playing on Linux. It is your linux environment contorting itself and doing miraculous back flips in the hope of convincingly coaxing the Windows binary game into thinking that it is running on an actual Windows host.

    Soft solution: Purchase games that are properly developed and released targeting your platform natively.

    Hard solution: Graduate from playing games and move on with your life. (btw mine improved a lot after putting gaming behind me for good. + I can now use whatever computer hardware and software I damn well please)

  • I’d always been amused at the fact that boomer school librarians were primarily the ones responsible for “teaching” students how to “use computers”. It really hammered home the point early on for me that you learn primarily by doing, not by being instructed.

    How was the concept first explained to you, or when did it click?

    I was too young to have it explained. I was just given access to computers since as far back as I can remember. And internet-connected computers almost just as far.

    Do you understand how insane it is to have the aggregate of all human knowledge

    I disagree with the notion that all human knowledge is reachable through the internet. I didn’t used to have this perspective until only a few years ago.

    Were your parents super strict about internet usage?

    I had absolutely no supervision, aside from concern over time spent playing games (which I think they perceived differently from non-game activity, which can be equally as unproductive).

    How quickly did you find workarounds?

    Usurped de facto control over the family router as a by product of being the only one both willing and able to “help” “administrate” it. It remained that way until the day I moved out.

    I think that millennials got to enjoy a once-in-human history opportunity of digital literacy asymmetry between immediately adjacent generations. We had unprecedented freedom.