2/12 ain’t that bad I guess.
2/12 ain’t that bad I guess.
This clearly demonstrates the superiority of cynicism (hail Diogenes!) over stoicism. Now, let’s all get naked and masturbate during the morning commute.
Years ago people laughed at me for not having Facebook (and never having had it in the first place). Who’s laughing now? Not me, nor any other consumers. But hey, we tried…
That’s when someone talks over me and changes the subject, guaranteed.
Understood, but there are other memories I’d much rather erase, not necessarily with the intent of reliving them for the first time.
There must always be an “underclass” in capitalism for the upper echelons to threaten the middle echelons. No exceptions. Wether that’s the homeless, psychiatric patients, gay or trans people… doesn’t matter. There will be some regional differences in what constitutes this underclass but the end result is always the same. Capitalism CANNOT FUNCTION without this implicit threat of excommunication and starvation.
The only real difference with the recent past is that all of this has become much, much more explicit than it ever used to be before. But make no mistake, even with a Biden or Harris at the helm, this would still be the case, just much more muted.
This is a feature of the system, not a flaw, and will never change as long as capitalism in its current form dominates.
This, but unironically.
Class clowns represent
I feel like that’s one texture replacement away from reality. But knowing that side they would relentlessly attack it and make it seem like some kind of “maga kill simulator” or w/e.
And right now we mostly have clowns (Zuck, Musk) at the helms of, let’s call them what they are, megapropagandamachines. Imagine what equally evil but much smarter players could do.
Dude, here in Europe half the nations are already beholden to some extreme right faction, and the other half are flirting with it.
Our situation is honestly just a hair better and could deteriorate very rapidly.
Like, for example, if Putin makes his move against the Baltics. If that happens we’re equally megafucked.
Mein leben!
Yes, but everything can be hacked. I foresee a vibrant underground scene for such things.
Unironically this. And gold of course. Some things never change. Humans shelling out for shiny being one of them.
Consider the worst comes to worst, you won’t have electricity, let alone internet connectivity. Good luck selling any crypto in those circumstances.
Nope, ye olde Gold & Silver are the way to go. Silver for fractional trades, gold for larger ones. Can’t beat a couple thousand years of history.
Wish I could help. I can commiserate though. 10 years in the same position without a promotion. Can’t get the benefits I’ve built up elsewhere, feel trapped in a gilded cage.
You are more than your job though, and if other people are assholes, knowingly or not, that doesn’t reflect on your worth in any way. It only underscores the fact you don’t jive with those kind of people. I’d consider that an accolade of sorts.
All the “undesirables” will simply no longer be subsidized. So if you or a loved one depend on any kind of governmental assistance… count on it going away 100%.
Would explain my excessive base-building and decorating in Subnautica.
Doing this right now. A 40 dollar growlight from ali express and some reflective foil was all it took.
America is waking up to the reality, as Germany once did, that 1/3 of their population wants to kill another 1/3 while the other 1/3 watches and stands by.