I’m with you. I’ve been having a harder time getting up. Looking forward to having the sun at 7 o’clock latest, get me up, because I got shit to do. I can stay awake no problem.
I’m with you. I’ve been having a harder time getting up. Looking forward to having the sun at 7 o’clock latest, get me up, because I got shit to do. I can stay awake no problem.
For me, water goes in, stays forever. Something that’s happened since I’ve aged. Swam competitively in high school, never had a problem. Now, if I tilt my head wrong in the shower, good luck.
Hell March was a jam, whoever wrote it hopefully got an award. I got a kick out of how From First to Last eventually remade it too, the song transcended the game.
Grew up in the '90s, really loved Red Alert, loved the movie Clue, and so to see Tim Curry join in was a pretty special thing for me as a kid. Guy was awesome.
Whenever I watch movies, sometimes I need to remind myself not to get caught up and to just allow the story to tell itself.
Yeah, I’ve turned into the one who doesn’t want to go out anymore, but I’m also going out tonight because I know the door swings both ways and that relationships don’t maintain themselves. I think my friends get it, and I get it, and so we remain friends.
You didn’t fucking curse one goddamn time in your reply.
This is the one that got me. I have zero faith in it loading.
The franglais in me screams that neufant ought to be acceptable. I’m sure Canadians are saying it, who knows what language they really speak.
Franglais is my language of choice after several drinks in any French speaking country. I am from Jersey, New, so it’s the best I can do with my education.
That is news to me. Never thought to dig too deeply into my French studies in middle and high school (two decades ago), and so “apple of the earth” was just appropriate. Like, yeah, why wouldn’t it be apple of the earth?
Igorrrr are solid, definitely doing some different shit. Dunno the others.
Your list shows up perfect when I go to respond, but in normal view, Lemmy doesn’t put your lines in.
I haven’t had a good time in years.
Yut. Feel like drinking is damaging enough, but then getting up (or just remaining up) to PT the next day is also probably not very good for you. But it was what had to be done.
Radio Flyer was something when I watched it as a kid. Came for the flying wagon, stayed for chuck chuck bo buck, and was impacted emotionally by the abuse along the way. Some flick.
Don’t forget North!
I was kidding around, it’s a silly leap, and the post is silly, so I was just suggesting something silly myself. Someone else seems to have done the legwork though.
Yeah, I want to pay you directly. I, admittedly, pirate things. When those things are good, I make an effort to go send money to the creator directly. Sometimes it’s hard, especially with things like books. I don’t want to buy it on Amazon. And unless someone is self-published, they’re getting peanuts. I’d much rather Venmo an author money direct. When Radiohead released In Rainbows way back when and put it out for “pay what you want,” I gave them five bucks I think.
I understand it can’t always be like that, and that the people between a content creator and me do serve some purpose.
Because it just makes sense. Snap, diarrhea. It’s simple.
I’m an American. I actually like America, for what it’s worth. Canada, however, has the superior anthem.