Bill would piss both sides off so much. I feel like everyone would hate him but things would get better.
Bill would piss both sides off so much. I feel like everyone would hate him but things would get better.
As someone who tracks their calories and macros and all that shit, those little single serve packets for kids are a savior.
I still get to have pringles and chips, but theres an element of shame in going for multiple bags.
They were kind of right and really wrong.
Im 40 and married now… remember how nervous tou were just trying to talk to someone you had a crush on? That level of “Powerline up the ass” intensity of feelings?
Yeah these days, firstly if I’m ever single again shit has gone seriously sideways… But I could without a sense of trepidation walk up to Charlize Theron in a coffee shop, tell her how amazing she was in Aeon flux, ask her how she got involved in executive producing Hyperdrive for netflix and then ask her if she would like to grab dinner sometime. Because these days you have to really go some lengths to get a rise out of me.
Even facebooks gotten way worse of late, no matter how much I block, hide and say “Show me less of this content” every day or so its like “are you SURE you dont want to see jokes about how woke culture is to blame for everything?”
Women who are 50% of the US population had the opportunity to vote for the first black woman president, protect their reproductive rights and instead 53% of the women who did turn up voted for the pussy grabbing rapist.
Maybe you should deal with the traitors in your own house.
Because this is Lemmy where everyone with more money than me deserves death. Duh.
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I got this via fax machine.
You can do it with potato chips too. Mix through some milk chocolate chips and its good, very weird but good.
Oh no, I did that too.
Yes. I do not agree with the system, I also have no control over the system and only work within the system because I have to.
You want to know how the system works, or why certain things happen I can tell you. If you want to shout at me about how broken the system is, please fuck off because I live how broken it is every morning when I turn up to work.
Imagine your first day at the dildo factory… LOL.
Imagine your 15 years service anniversary at the dildo factory… 😞
I started drinking heavily at 25 and got sober 12 years later and Immediately bought a new project car…
The more I know about something the less I’m willing to tollerate your shit if you want to argue about it.
I work in an industry that undoubtably touches all of your lives and sometimes people ask “Why?” Questions about it, and I’d offer an explanation based on 15 years of industry experience and then people would argue thats not how it works, or rant at me like I’m the CEO of an entire global industry and generally annoy me to the point where I’m not even going to tell you what industry because I dont want to argue with another single chucklefuck who has a problem with how they do it for you.
That “Fucking moron” just dismantled democracy and installed himself in one of the 5 most powerful seats on earth… but you keep underestimating him on Lemmy and see how that works out for you.
RESPECT YOUR OPPONENT. Even if you cant stand the cheeto colored rat bastard.
Ive been saying for a while that the constant barage of Trump and Elon memes makes us think they are significantly less caipable than they are. What are the odds that the commander in cheif of the worlds most powerful military and leader of one of the worlds superpowers AND the worlds richest man, owner of one of the worlds most popular social media platforms BOTH got there by bumblefucking their way to the top? Either “they are smarter and more caipable than we give them credit for by a wide margin” or “We couldnt stop two fucking morons when they told us their plan”… Imagine losing control of American democracy to Pinky and the Brain if it was two Pinkys.
Id say 20% of the time at work when someone calls its usually someone trying to do a sketchy end-run around the rules or get access to something they shouldnt have and they dont want it documented that they asked.
Watch for the enormous shit eating grin behind the microphone when he says “Hey Drake” on stage.