Sounds like the XY problem
Sounds like the XY problem
It’s usually fine, but I download new TV shows automatically and I got a .exe instead of the new Frasier. I don’t think I’ll be downloading an actual .exe from TPB in the future lol
Several beings perish each cycle from this
Dehydration was never an option
I once got passed by two speeding DeLoreans. I ended up catching up to them when we all hit a traffic jam.
You win a free trip to the Hague
If it makes you feel any better that horse wasn’t the one that killed him
Monkey’s paw: your teeth would also be as sensitive as the head of a penis
I’m already 2 years older than Mozart was when he died, the fuck am I even doing with my life
This reminds me of how I used to eat a spoonful of chunky peanut butter and then add a glug of maple syrup
But I can still keep the dinosaur, right?
Xande: oh HELL no
Damn dude, save some pussy for the rest of us
About 10 years ago someone actually burned to death from static discharge at a gas pump like 2 miles down the road from my house. It’s extremely rare, but it does happen.
“You guys are still staffing window 1?”
I’m sorry your ice cream doesn’t have any sugar in it
Oh sorry, I forgot the determinative. 💦3st