this is a comment about a comic where The Purge is a reality. it was not an attempt serious revolutionary planning. and I don’t see how lining up with hundreds of others to kill one of the oligarchy is somehow representative of “toxic individualism”
this is a comment about a comic where The Purge is a reality. it was not an attempt serious revolutionary planning. and I don’t see how lining up with hundreds of others to kill one of the oligarchy is somehow representative of “toxic individualism”
would the bomb also kill javascript and C++ or would I have to keep throwing trolleys at it until I get both silicon valley and the JS/C++ devs?
It’ll put some healthy fear into the ones remaining, and nobody said it had to stop there. it’s just a nice place to get started.
Can’t miss an opportunity to form a nice orderly queue, of course.
That counterpoint says that the only CoC he would write is “don’t be an asshole” and refutes the transphobia misgendering shit by posting the wider context where the guy is explicitly an immediate, unprovoked asshole to the person for having pronouns in their username. Tries to claim that the trans person being mocked “started it” by misgendering first, when the person in question simply assumed a gender to prove a point about the utility of pronoun tags, unlike the guy who deliberately chose to use the wrong pronouns to address someone, like an asshole.
This man is a clown fuck hyprland.
if i had money to pay for a VPN i’d just use something like real debrid. and if my ISP is middlemanning my https certs then a VPN probably isn’t going to help much.
also, your own code after you’ve spent time away from it.
Because my ISP gets mad about torrents, I don’t usually rewatch things, I don’t have to wait for the download to finish, I can do it on my tablet, and I don’t want to deal with cleaning up old video files every time I need to make room for the next 100+GB game install.
Yeah you’d have to perceive it as being lit from sunlight under shade, cloud cover, or possibly a skylight. I doubt it has much to do with an intuitive understanding of rayleigh scattering and more just that, in person, your brain would have more temporal context and a wider visual field to model the lighting with than what the image gives you. The floor and the ceiling would be blue in your peripheral and you’d have more angles and depth perception to work with so the distance between and relative strength of the yellow light and white light source would be more obvious.
its because the background gives the impression of bright yellow incandescent lighting but in order to see the dress as white gold you have to assume it’s under entirely different (low diffuse white) lighting conditions than the rest of the image implies
Woah that’s crazy how did you add the Kill Bill siren sound to your comment?
In revenge for reminding me of Frontpage I will also mention Dreamweaver. God just the memory of trying to clean up copy text someone edited in Frontpage is giving me nausea.
Thanks, but the reason I don’t have to imagine is because that job is a memory.
People genuinely thought ColdFusion would allow untrained businessmen to make complex websites with no coding, only markup. It could generously be described as a “web framework”, and it was released in 1995.
Haha yeah… imagine… right.
There’s no gecko without Netscape either, but one of those isn’t around anymore.
firefox is not gecko, but yeah there is a depressing lack of viable alternatives
The situation is always more complicated than a single graph can represent. Which is why I’m taking this in consideration with other context, and it’s solidifying my impression that Mozilla is failing and I need to find a firefox alternative before they shit it up further chasing money to pay their CEO a ridiculously inflated “market rate”. What good is some theoretical increased profitability (they’re a non-profit!) if all it does is serve to further inflate already inflated compensation packages?
the queue is a gag; you’re dissecting the frog. it’s not expressing a genuine desire to wait in a queue to murder elon musk. no person who has a genuine desire to violently murder someone is going to patiently wait in a queue for their turn to, what, double, triple murder him? it’s a joke about how a lot of people hate him. i think maybe reading toxic individualism into this is a bit overreaching, but whatever preach on i guess.