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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • That’s like any FPS game ripping off any other FPS game.
    Fight, capture, tame, train, breed animals.
    Base building, research tree, enemy raids.
    Exploration, resource gathering, survival.

    I don’t think Nintendo has a monopoly on enslaving animals.

    I know what you mean, tho. It’s always described as “Pokémon with guns and 3xE gameplay”.
    But does Nintendo actually have a case that will hold up in courts?
    Pocketpair seems confident they can defend against it. So either they have done their research and are up for a fight. Or they (think they) are calling Nintendo’s bluff.
    But Nintendo has a whole pack of lawyers.

    Unfortunately there are no details on what the patents being infringemed upon are, just that they relate to “Pocket Monster”.

  • In France, no one spoke English even though I spoke loudly and slowly

    Haha, reminds me of a holiday ages ago in France.
    Someone left their handbag behind or something, and my friend said “I’ll sort it out, I know French”. To be fair, he did. But when I went back to tell him where we ended up, he was speaking slowly and loudly to the poor french person.

    Which reminds me of another time in France, having breakfast. I ordered “orange juice” and the waiter looked confused. So I said it again slower, and his face lit up and said “ah, jus d’orange”.

  • I’m late 30s.
    I can’t remember <13. So, at least the last 30+ years I’ve had 4 pairs of sunnies. Maybe 5 pairs.
    I’ve still got 2 of those pairs.
    I’m tempted to get a fancy pair that look good instead of just sunnies that look good enough (ie, more than $100). I just don’t wear them enough… Maybe a couple weeks a year?
    What’s the point in buying good sunglasses, and why would I lose a pair?
    I’ve had the same wallet for 15 years, I’ve been locked out once, and I’ve lost my phone about 3 times (all of which I’ve got my phone back).

    I’m recovering from about 10 years of undiagnosed depression. Recently (like a year) it has affected my short term memory, to the point I thought I had ADHD or something else. Effecting my work, my ability to live day-to-day, my socialmlife.
    I now realise, while ADHD might be a factor, undiagnosed depression has devastated who I am VS who I think I am and who I want to be.

    Are there other explanations for your forgetfulness?
    Is it age related? Anything else you find you are forgetting?

  • I felt like adding something about the specific case of 180° between edges and a vertice.
    Makes sense.
    And I guess too many vertices means an open set of edges (ie not close, this not a shape).
    I was kinda hoping for a strange edge case, like a mobius strip or Klein bottle.

    I guess a mobius strip is a 2d representation of a 1d paradigm. And a klein bottle is a 3d representation of a 2d paradigm.
    It would be too much to ask of a 1d representation of a ??d paradigm.

  • I feel my comment adds to the discussion and wants more details.
    But it was too simply phrased.
    I guess the details of such a question should be obvious. And if you need the details, the question doesn’t actually add the the discussion… It just seems idiotic!

    I felt like there might be a really cool scenario where a vertice isn’t considered a vertice.
    Like, there actually might be some case on a 2d plane “where actually” applies.
    I’m fine being wrong

  • The first round of tools for any hobby or DIY project.
    If you don’t know what you want from a screwdriver, snips, circular saw etc. then there is no point in buying the super primo bells & whistles expensive stuff.
    Once you’ve used a tool and learned what you don’t like about it, or what you actually use it for, or how often you actually use it… Then you can make the informed decision to just buy another cheap one, or splash out on something that’s actually fun to use.

    Buy the 2nd last tool you will ever need.

    There are rare occasions where “buy once cry once” apply. But it’s rare