If you just want to save the text to read later, go with HTML.
If you want to archive it with graphical elements and embedded images, PDF is the better choice.
Cyber DJ
If you just want to save the text to read later, go with HTML.
If you want to archive it with graphical elements and embedded images, PDF is the better choice.
A combination of different.
For brainstorming Logseq is great, for tasks I use CalDAV in combination with Thunderbird and JTX Board (Android) a lot.
Right guess.
That after getting used to Linux I will hate to be forced to use less free operating systems.
That girls wear pink and boys wear blue.
Tried it and was not much pleased. What makes it better in your opinion?
When I am on Hyprland I use foot
. It is fast and well configurable.
My fallback is Gnome and inside I use the new kgx
aka Console. I like that it shows in the window decoration’s color when I’m working remotely or as super user.
Yeah, foot is really fast even without server mode.
The first comment on the source code is very useful and productive.
Using NixOS as my daily OS on a X1 since six years now.
The first months have been hard as at this time was no installer at all and I had to do everything manually. After a while I got used to the update process.
Recently I switched to Nix Flakes which is another challenge but seems to make the Nix way even more consequent.
The only odd thing what drives me nerves is that compiling on that machine takes sometimes a half day.
Besides this it is still the best OS I ever used
You can set to have multiple workspaces on the main monitor only
It is in the settings:
Multitasking -> Multi-Monitor -> [x] Workspaces on primary display only
Haley Reinhart
Amazing in deed!
Just a small typo in the very last factor 1111111
Home manager on NixOS and stored all config files in a Git repo
A question with no right answer, because it is a matter of taste and habits.
Both are very much sophisticated desktop environments which very useful defaults. Neither Gnome nor Plasma are too complicated for beginners and can be customized easily. If you want to you can go very deep into the customization too.