In my opinion and experience with my boy Takeo, not any more difficult than any other dog.
Puppy phase was hell but…well, puppies are always going to be a handful until they learn not to chew things and such.
They’re definitely not an off-leash breed though - they are notorious runners.
I know a lot of people claim them to be high strung but my boy isn’t at all. Not sure if I just got lucky and my boy is a rare Chill Shibe or if people exaggerate their temperament. He’s a lot easier for me to deal with than our german shepherd, whom I love dearly but her energy level overwhelms me at times.
My shiba on the other hand is almost just like a cat in a dog’s body. He spends a lot of time napping, sometimes just likes to do his own thing, still comes to me for attention when he wants it and is usually happy to just lay on my lap and nap the day away.
I’d get another shiba if I could in a heartbeat LOL
I used to work for a computer repair place long, long ago and I was on the laptop repair line.
I went to unscrew a laptop but for some reason my screwdriver wasn’t catching the screw… a coworker took the screwdriver and put more force into and there was sickening crunch that wasn’t hardware…
He removed the screw along with an impaled dead baby cockroach…
But this isn’t the end. Oh no.
When that screw came out with its buddy they had friends.
A lot of friends.
Flooding out of that tiny screwhole like something from a god damn horror movie.
We bagged that up and sent it back to the customer. It did not get repaired that day to say the least.