Nothing I can explore the PC for 12 hours. Sounds like fun. Maybe play some pinball.
Please not Vista
Nothing I can explore the PC for 12 hours. Sounds like fun. Maybe play some pinball.
Please not Vista
any special model that you prefer?
Any smartphone, they’re not that different and all have the same weaknesses. They’re pretty fragile, don’t have battery-life and they have lots of bloat and functionality that’s gate-kept behind sign ups and cloud accounts
Not watching it, I don’t like sportsball
I don’t even have discord.
I mean many people have to find this out themselves but smoking is highly addictive and you’ll regret having started for the rest of your life…
Hell yes, it’s good to be prepared!
hey why does everyone have the noodles on their head???//
Imagine calling this cancel culture
you’re forgetting about the all new bcachefs
dunno I also wonder if it’s worth it for personal use
come to berlin nobody here is friendly
😊 aaaaw
Daaamn it’s going to produce so much power :3
pretty cool, same on feddit.de :)
Server admins should block stuff like this
It’s just another level of the meme with happy face with place, japan.
It’s funny to some to say that france or the uk are bad.
Now I can’t wait for my server to get it
he doesn’t :(
It’s pretty cool, even though it not even 1% of the size of the big social media monopolists
Okay I have never used it I think that will be interesting!