JD Vance approved!
JD Vance approved!
Second best monolog in that movie. The Desert Eagle vs Replica scene is still my favorite.
You’re in the clear my man. It is well established that penises smaller than 3 inches are low priority for the transmission viral and bacterial infections from sexual contact. Sex workers are trained to release STDs or not, much like a snake can withhold venom when striking. /s
Seriously go get tested and wrap it next time.
Center bottom is all wrong. Should be this:
Even the Maiar know the rules of the road.
A more perfect union, that can establish justice and domestic tranquility. One that provides for the common defense, promotes the general welfare, and secures the blessing of liberty for ourselves and future generations.
Sole Prop(rietor), but it’s still just a pass-through LLC for one person. More of a legal separation for liability than anything else in the US.
Please, everyone knows it is the Momoa effect.
It’s a separate form complete with nine pages of instructions outlining how to calculate market values based on region and services rendered. The formula isn’t helpful, so in the end you just put in half of what you paid and hope you don’t get audited.
Odin is expanding his territory and this church is first.
Well of course, he’s talking about the War of Palestinian aggression. Where his ancestors fought against the Palestinian incursions into the peaceful Israel South to stop his people from being oppressed and their way of life radically altered, if not extinguished! They would have won it if not for the blockade and Emancipation Proclamation.