Interested in retro video games - particularly those that were influential to Brazilian video game culture.
Interessado em videogames antigos
I’m into ARPGs and had never heard of it either.
Baita memória afetiva com esse disco, que é muito bom. Quando era criança ele tocava muito na piscina do clube que eu ia. Lembro até da pausa quando a fita trocava do lado A para o B.
E lembro de eu perguntar pra minha mãe o que era “gaiato”, e que eu achava que era algum tipo de gato.
@slimerancher @Zelaf I have a Series X now. But I only had a Series S for almost two years because it was impossible to buy the X.
The Xbox would have failed very hard without that installed base of Series S keeping the console afloat when it couldn’t be produced in sufficient quantity.