Wait wouldn’t that only be super saying? As in we would super be talking about it?
Wait wouldn’t that only be super saying? As in we would super be talking about it?
Also hang on, now that there officially are no more men in the United states does this mean Zuckerberg wants more immigrants in his company? Or would they also count as female once they entered the american workforce‽ So in effect does he want to outsource even more of the company or does he secretly want more immigrants and is just not allowed to say it like that?
I absolutely agree 😭 But didn’t the post credits scene after the last episode suggest at least some hope for all of them? (Or am I seriously misremembering this because my brain tried really hard not to think it was over?)
Well the thing is: it’s even worse! We HAVE measured ‘the’ neutrino mass, sort of (not really). We have an absolutely fricking tiny upper bound! For all three masses added together… And yes, there are three separate neutrino masses just like there are sorta three ‘types’ of Neutrinos. But the real kicker is: it is literally impossible to assign any specific mass to any specific type!!
You can either talk about the type of a neutrino OR it’s mass but not both at the same time because apparently we looked too close and quantum mechanics decided it needed to fuck with us some more to discourage further probing.
Wasn’t it a dice roll that decided that? 🤔
But/and also also, just because you might know what a multiplication is you still might not know how to use that to make audio louder! (You might say “well just add to the loudness!” or if you actually know it’s not that easy you might say “just multiply it by 2!”, but the computer doesn’t simply take “audio” it takes some form of bytes in an array encoding said audio, let’s say PCM to make it easier, and you still need to know how to loop over that and multiply every value by 2 to double the physical volume.)
It’s fascinating to me that nobody has yet responded to one of these with:
Luigi, once again delivering us from ghosts and ghouls living in mansions!
Great one! (Not just a nice one, a great one even.)
Now get out! Just Get Out!
So do I understand correctly that a certain hox gene is activated in basically all cells which are in the “domain” of a certain vertebrae and they all activate some subset of homeobox genes which in combination with the original hox gene cause them to start turning into all the different parts associated with that vertebrae (so organs and other structures)?
Would we then need an entirely new hox gene to produce even a single gill? (I know you basically just laid out most of a response to this question.) Because I would assume although the exact point at which the development of our arms and legs begins is part of the whole hox gene “superstructure”, but couldn’t we ‘basically just’ highjack this same system and duplicate this gene to produce at least a single gill in the region where the current hox gene for our neck is expressed?
Long story short: what is the biggest reason why we can’t just hack into a later part of the sequence and continue on from there with what you said?
Or would your proposed plan also just end up like this in the final product and you laid it out like this because it’s already the most viable route into this mess? 😅
And that’s the thing:
Assuming it did, you couldn’t see it approach until it hit you because it’s moving at the speed of light! It could also have happened, but just super far away such that it will never reach us due to expansion between its origin point and us being faster than c!
Also just because the universe is frickin old doesn’t mean it is statistically bound to have happened. There are plenty of ways of making it even more astronomically unlikely but still possible…
Thanks for sharing this as well! I also just imaged a detached hand + short bit of lower arm pushing the ball (for which I did imagine it to be of a gray shiny metal slightly larger than the hand)!
And I also imaged a super plain square wooden table so when the questions about the person hit I was super confused wether or not this counted as aphantasia or not (because I am fairly certain that I don’t have it…)
Also although you will have a hard(-ish) time scratching the glass by using a good shirt if you have any kind of coating on your glasses (such as a blue filter or anti-reflex coating or whatever) you CAN easily scratch those (usually)!
It’s a wheel, it’s supposed to turn over and over and over and infinitum!
/S (because it’s big sarcasm instead of small.)
So you are basically trying to humblebrag to everyone here that you already achieved a fucks-given-count of 0 for this app?
Impressive, if not a little underhanded. But still very impressive!
So is that the “Zange”? Because you need to go from the things you are holding (the information, in “German”) to the hinge (the literal English translation) and back down again (actual German translation) to understand (aka grasp it)‽
Welcome to Greece! No, not our modern Greece, the old timey write philosophical questions into the dirt with sticks and argue with your best homies about it kind of Greece!
Want to compute something? Hope you got all your steps in linear order so you don’t have to remember too much in between other steps!
/s (but not really so I totally am on your side, original formulations of math problems are a pain…)
Didn’t one of the original devs die and his son “take over” for a last few polishing updates/as a memorial?
Or was that another “small” game series? 🙈
Well I specifically thought about “without using tools or tools like things” aka without needing fingernails or teeth…
And yes, most duck tape (not the actual brand stuff mind you!) I have encountered in my life we’re pretty much tear resistant to the point of folding over and crumpling multiple times before even looking separable! Unless I used a pair of scissors to cut it or switched to gaffers tape which was insanely easy to separate even with only one hand! (While holding it in said hand!)
Now that you mention this though, I might just have interacted with very ‘badly’ (for a sufficiently narrow definition of badly) made tape up to this point 😅
Panzertape can either be sort of like duck tape or like gaffer tape (with the actual fibers inside visible/noticable).
The way I usually distinguish gaffer from no gaffer is: can you easily (and I mean easily!) rip it into the desired size and does doing so sometimes/potentially leave small strands of “thread” at the end of the roll? If yes it’s very likely gaffer tape and awesome!
Right perpendicular to the “axis” going through Mordor so Sauron couldn’t easily find me. Because it would be funny!
(Note: I have no idea if the world in which middle earth is set/embedded is actually spherical to make this possible. Although a flat-ish world, provided its perimeter was round-ish enough could also work…
Someone who has read the silmarilion or similar please inform/correct me, thank you!)