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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2020


  • I don’t feel compelled to argue an interpretation. The facts are well documented and their interpretations by experts available. What anyone chooses to do with these are of no real concern to me.

    but then

    It’s weird how many people in this thread are vaguely debating the validity of the historical research into this question when one person has posted a link to a well cited article on this very very heavily studied subject.

    Well cited article aren’t proof of existenceof a man. Is spiderman real if enough people cite the comics? A group of influential people could gather and make their own circle of these myths and present it as a fact. And it isn’t fucking new.


    Religions and all their influence could force a lot of heavily studied subject to be skewed for their benefit. Hell, there were studies that were treated as standard making sugar and alcohol heavily beneficial for human beings. And we’re talking about a person.

  • Yeah, thousands of tabs seems extreme. But “you should dedicate a larger amount of time and effort all day, every day to make the computer’s job easier” is a bad take.

    Computers don’t magically make things easier, it just does as it is told(as instructed by code). Computers don’t come out as a self-made human assistant that adapts to your personal needs and can magically do anything you want.

    If it’s so much of a burden that smarter people haven’t figured it out, go at it. You might just fix it.

    But “to make computer’s job easier” is the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a while.

  • I can’t believe people construed the lack of this feature in a brand new software as bad Canonical want to kill deb!

    Most loud mouth open source enthusiasts are often toxic entitled choosing beggars. If any of their desires are not met, the project is dying or dead even though the statistics say otherwise.

    Fork it and fix things you want to make it better?

    No way bro. I want someone else to work on the feature I requested one year ago.

  • The world could care less if it is Trump or Biden. But your supposition that stopping one genocide supporter is rooting for another fascists is not the worlds fault, but your own. Democracy as you still would call it.

    Stop trying to claim to be the police of the world, while at the same time also sell weapons to the half of the world including despotic regimes and genocidal ones. A very good business model, but the world is seeing through it.

    We all know where your priorities lie, and it isn’t Human Rights.

    You must not be paying enough attention because your first point can be easily disproven by visiting any major news source and viewing the stories about the mass protests on college campuses all over the county right now.

    Yes, the protests got more news time than the actual ethnic cleansing. Tells a lot about the populace.

    It’s fine that genocides are happening over other countries with your blessings, But hur dur… we… we don’t want what we do to other countries happening to us. 😭

    It’s about time you face consequences of your actions.

  • If you haven’t figured it out by now, everything US stands for is a bait and switch, which is selectively applied based on race and class.

    • Peace? Nope, will destroy nations and fund genocide when convenient. It’s only bad when white people are being oppressed.
    • Freedom? Nope, The surveillance state monitors you all (anyone remember snowden? )
    • Equality? They’ll try to pass laws to kill ya if you speak up about women rights
    • Guns? Basically a murder fantasy for the rich, that got out of hand and now everyone can enjoy that fantasy
    • Slavery? It’s okay. private prisons here to help
    • Democracy? with 2 parties???

    It got rich by exploiting resources on a stolen land and using propaganda to push their clickbait ideals to entice smart people as the “American Dream”. They don’t even care if they’re Nazis, So yea.

  • ermagawD there’s an toggle able option on my browser to turn off a feature I don’t want?

    And it’s a free and open source software that I don’t contribute to at all,

    That’s ducking it.

    I’ma b̶u̶i̶l̶d̶ m̶y̶ o̶w̶n̶ b̶r̶o̶w̶s̶e̶r̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶j̶a̶c̶k̶ a̶n̶d̶ h̶o̶o̶k̶e̶r̶s̶ complain on an internet forum about how unfair it is that they are going against my principles and are making money off of it. They gotta ask for handouts like the rest of the opensource projects out ther. I’moutraged. They gotta learn their place.

    It’s unacceptable, I tell ya.