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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • lack of mass production probably and cuthroat capitalism. the expensive bikes cater to a niche of bike riders who the business knows can afford to buy them. a lot of these bikes have specialized parts made in specialized countries by craftspeople which up the price of production and in addition they offer some kind of free maintenance you are also buying. the real question is why are cars and other bike so cheap, and thats because of mass production factories and cheap manufacturing methods and economies of scale

  • where i live, which is in the south, every 3 cars is one of these, they lift suvs too, so that increases the odds. when cops clock out they also drive one of these, even the gay ones. driving it is no big deal, its how they drive and what they do with it, usually road raging other road users, intimidating them, and trying to run them off the road, in other words bullying and intimidation, which is likely why they own one in the first place. why do they feel a strong desire to bully or intimidate anyone? that’s a great question. why do you have to knock out the biggest guy in jail to get any respect? …

  • there is a thing called oral history and that is also documented. this is how jews believe that that G-d spoke to them on mount sinai, it was passed down and recounted by witnesses from generation to generation. I heard a scientific proof about this compared to claims other religions make that was quite interesting, but the point is there have always been witnesses to history and some of those witnesses create a record that is verifiable in a number of ways and hard to dispute.

  • Fun fact… “palestine” was south dakota to the arabs around it, which is why jews were able to quickly buy up and settle major portions of the land. not many people wanted it in the condition it was in. I know that people dispute this, but I’m still waiting to hear the proof of the fertile land and economic powerhouse it was that almost left it abandoned by the major powers of the time (ottomans) Realisticaly speaking though, south dakota is extremely desirable to Israelis given a scale of what they had in the 1800s to 1940s, for one trees and rain.

  • They’re not actually. Its more like the enemy of my enemy sort of thing, thats the reason so many jews ended up in Israel in the first place because of the anti–semitism and discrimination, genocide, etc, you name it in western countries. Have you not heard about the rise of european and american nationalism in recent years. Both areas, especially europe, claim that they are at over capacity. All this rhetoric came about with the african and syrian refugee rise. The USA to this day does not have a reciprocal visa status for Israelis, they have to apply for a visa and maybe they get approved just to even transit in the USA. Such great friends are they? USA supports the war, but you will be hard pressed to find their support in other areas of basic life. The have partnership in the field of medicine as well, but Israel does a lot of the supplying in new tech and research. A lot of “american support” is rooted in evanglicalist christinanity, which means they only support israel if they stay in israel. They want all the jews to go to Israel, that is their support. How would they feel about them not in Israel? I’ve read a few accounts as how evangelicals have a mission to make jews move to israel by any means necessary even if that means making their lives hard or doing discrimination against them to get them to leave. They dont want them to be comfortable NOT in israel, nor are they so good with sharing, even amongst their own american people. The USA has one of the worst affordable and housing and homeless crisis in the world.