• 19 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023


  • Being wealthy in the US/UK/Canada is so much better than being rich in China because the marginal advantage is substantially larger

    In China? You still take the train. Transit is probably still faster than driving. Your food expenses don’t scale as fast because cheap food isn’t made of garbage. You already likely own a home. You probably come from a tier 1/2 city, so traveling domestically is cheap. Your kid still has to grind for gaokao.

    In the US? You fly business. You drive around in your S Class. You can bribe infinite extracurriculars for your kid to get into a top university. You basically never have to interact with anyone in the lower 90% of incomes, and you don’t need to be THAT wealthy to do so.

  • They’re just Japanese war crime apologists. You get used to them.

    They’re the same people who’ll say that only Jews suffered from the Holocaust and completely ignored the sacrifices of the Soviets and the Romani people (mostly because they were freed from those camps by the Red Army in the East and the West never saw it). They’re the same people who’ll say that US trade with Japan in support of Japan’s massacres in China was just business. They’re the same people who’ll claim that Japan did nothing wrong until Pearl Harbour.

    They are delusional, and they’re not worth your time.

  • Republicans accept a post-truth society where everything is someone’s propaganda, that the federal government is out to get them and that the union would be better served as a union of state-level republics. Democrats still believe in the existence of a ground truth and want a union with centralized control (i.e., they are Federalists). Like the Federalists, the Democrats are backed by wealthy financial states (New York, California) as opposed to more rural/working-class states (Alabama, Ohio) and support heavy industrial subsidies (Biden’s IRA, CHIPS) as well as weak state governments.

    This is a fundamental difference that explains a lot, actually. The role of government has always been to convince populations to pursue the policy goals of the elite. The foundations of representative democracy involve choosing which elites’ policy goals to follow. The Republicans want to follow state elites (to borrow a Chinese proverb, the mountains are high and the President is far away). The Democrats want to follow federal elites.

    Here’s the real problem. The US gets to choose between a career politician and a career businessman (swindler, by definition). Who represents the working class? Who represents the people who actually built America’s economy?