I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

  • 6 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • “Let’s just divide up Poland and keep the peace. We can focus our whole energy on the western front, you can save yourselves bloodshed by the tanker load, and in a few short years we can share dominion over a subjugated world.”

    “You so right, that sounds like a great plan”

    “Hey guess what I just decided”

    The whole world would have been different. It was still a pretty close thing with help from the Soviets and with Germany fighting a ludicrous two-front war for literally no military or geopolitical reason at all.

  • Forgiveness answer: At least for me, hearing someone speak in a foreign language near me if I’m trying to do something is like Kryptonite for my concentration. I basically just have to leave and go somewhere else, or else abandon the idea of getting something done until it stops. It’s just impossible for my brain to not pay attention to it. I don’t think I would ever blame it on the person who’s just trying to have a conversation, and if I’m just standing in line or something it doesn’t bother me, but I do understand how it can be irritating.

    Probably more realistic answer: Because living in America leads to a spiraling hell of stress and unhappiness, and so if you’re an asshole, and some innocent person presents themselves that you can take it all out on for literally any made up reason at all, then it’s go time. Also explains a lot of taking it out on customer service people for literally no reason at all.

  • political extremists, tech nerds, privacy enthusiasts, and shitposters

    Dude thank god

    I miss my old nerd internet. I won’t say you’re wrong for wanting something that isn’t that, but I personally wish it was more that way than it currently is. SDF or mander is honestly a lot closer to how I like the culture and interactions to be, than Lemmy.world. I was super psyched when I came on and there were all these communists and science weirdos.

    for the general masses? Lemmy is just not good.

    For example, a NBA post on the NBA subreddit can get you thousands of interactions in a couple of hours. An NBA post on here will maybe get you a dozen over the course of a couple of days.

    Honestly, when sports started showing up on the main page of Reddit it was confusing and alarming to me. I recognize that I am the weird one here (from the POV of the ordinary person society), but I much prefer just having my nerd stuff and having it be unencumbered by any normal person stuff

    I think we actually have exactly the same view of Lemmy and its accurate position in relation to most normal people, just disagreeing over whether that is or isn’t a good thing