Instead of hoping your instance does something, just make your own instance. That’s the whole idea.
Instead of hoping your instance does something, just make your own instance. That’s the whole idea.
Right for the wrong reasons.
I’m with you. The spectacle aspect is fantastic, but it definitely rushes through the story.
Do yourself a favor and checkout Gunbuster (1988) and its loose sequel Diebuster (2004). Gunbuster was directed by Evangelion director Hideaki Anno (and it might be his most concise stand-alone work), while Diebuster was directed by his protege, FLCL director Kazuya Tsurumaki.
Both are just 6 episodes, with fantastic Gainax animation, great soundtracks, and masterful storytelling. I strongly recommend watching the original Gunbuster before Diebuster, though it isn’t totally necessary.
I know it may be a hot take, but I am not personally a fan of Gundam. Which seems like a perfect fit but for whatever reason every time I have tried to watch it I just never make it more than a few episodes in.
As someone who is in the process of catching up on all things Gundam before seeing GQuuuuuux (the new Gundam by the creators of FLCL, Diebuster and Evangelion) later this month, I highly recommend giving it another try and sticking with it until at least the second half of the original Mobile Suit Gundam (0079). There are a couple reasons for this:
Gurren Lagann (It seemed okay but I never finished it)
There are a couple of rough episodes in the first half, but I love this show and recommend seeing it through. This is a show where the scale and scope of the story just snowballs into something really big and cool.
Finally, have you watched the SDF Macross movie retelling, Do You Remember Love? Because if not, it’s fantastic and worth seeing.
The way I see it, the most important thing right now is breaking up the biggest platforms. The biggest advantage that places like Facebook, Twitter and TikTok have right now is the network effect from having a fuck ton of users. But in a more fractured social media landscape, the tools that are the most open and federated will eventually come out on top.
Sounds a lot like Linus Torvalds back in the day, just saying…
I’m starting to really consider the whole “reality is a simulation” angle, and whoever is running the game has put in a cheat code. (not really really, but more than I ever have before)
I have some reeeeeeal bad news for you: the American voters handed Trump and the Republicans not just 1, not 2, but ALL 3 fucking branches of government, on top of a media in which at least 33% is in his fucking pocket and at least another 33% is too stupid to see through his bullshit.
I’m not sure what kind of push back you’re expecting or who you’re expecting it from exactly, but to whatever extent there IS push back it’s gonna be 90% performative gesturing and hand-wringing until at least 2026. And that’s the best case where people are smart enough to vote in their best interest, which knowing how fucking stupid you all are, I’m not gonna hold my breath.
I really enjoyed Prospera as a character. And reviled her as a person while still retaining some forms of empathy. That’s a pretty big win IMO.
First half Prospera was super engaging as her motivation seemed to be to avenge her family and take down the corporations and power structure that lead to them being needlessly murdered during the prologue. She was undoubtedly manipulating Suletta (and in one of her best scenes Miorine calls her out for it, only for Prospera to point out the hypocrisy of that), but it felt like she was infiltrating the system and masterminding the demise of the Benerit Group. I really figured she would be like Char in the original MSG 0079, in the sense that she wasn’t going to be so much of a villain.
Instead she ended up becoming something like Gendo Ikari from Neon Genesis Evagelion with the Data Storm as her Human Instrumentality Project, all of this at the expense of her relationship to Suletta. But then at the end we got something of a “happy ending” where all of the kids are CEOs (or rather, oligarchs), the people of Earth are still subjugated (but I guess at least being “listened to”…), and Prospera is now having a picnic with Suletta and her keychain sister, despite the fact that she just wiped out an entire fleet and almost had both her daughters kill each other. Her arc didn’t really stick for me.
The thing about being Gendo Ikari is that there’s really no way to repair the relationships that you’ve destroyed in order to achieve your selfish goals. Prospera went down that route, but somehow everything turned out OK in the end in her toxic relationship to Suletta.
Speaking of details, they are everywhere, and they build on one another. Things like using cinematography to mirror an earlier scene, then later doing the same but with a different perspective to highlight the changes in the characters. The symbolism is rampant, some obvious, some subtle. This wasn’t a Tomino story, but it builds on one of his tenets: show, don’t tell. Environmental storytelling. I have a friend that really only engages with Gundam as “second screen” material while she’s doing something else. Unsurprisingly, she’s ambivalent about most of it and actively hostile towards WfM.
Overall I loved the idea, got very immersed in the setting and characters, and was a little disappointed when the pacing fell off. Still an easy recommend.
For sure, the show really looked great and was effective at telling the story. The drama and symbolism were truly great at times. When it hit, it hit. Some of the more intimate scenes with Suletta dealing with shit on her own were really genuinely touching and beautiful.
I also recommend checking it out and think it’s a worthy series. :)
Btw, was kind enough to open up ! for us. And volunteered to mod. So feel free to hop on over there and join us! 👊
I’m in! Still pretty new to Gundam but I’m quickly getting up to speed in anticipation of Gquuuuuux, having just watched 0079, War in the Pocket, 08th MS Team and Witch from Mercury. About 10 episodes into Zeta right now and loving it so far.
The other day I stumbled upon this 3 year old Tested video where they put together a “Perfect Grade” Gundam and they were really impressed by the intricate level of design and engineering that went into it, and I have to say I was too.
To see all of the moving parts underneath the outer armor/shell and the engineering involved to making it all work (not to mention have it stand up even under pretty extreme poses) was damn impressive. At this point I’m more worried about clutter than anything I think. lol
Yeah, that’s exactly how I feel.
Suletta’s and Miorine’s likability was the only thing that kept me on board until the end, but ultimately it felt like a show that walked right up to the edge of saying something meaningful about modern society (be it corporate capitalism, LGBTQ issues, women’s issues, war, etc.) but then stepped back for no reason.
Cool news about the Gunpla. I’ve never made a model but I’m getting dangerously close to getting into it after watching all of this Gundam stuff recently. I wonder how the GQuuuuuuuuuux models are going to be?
The story in the games is pretty convoluted, but I think it’s really cool to see them broadening out into a full-fledged anime with Guilty Gear. Hopefully it’s good!
What’s the other one?
Have fun with it! This is how it starts. :)
But seriously, whether you stick with it in the long run or not, toying with Linux from time to time is a great experience for any computer nerd and now is really a great time to do it.
Feel free to ask questions!
Also save yourself some hassle by using the right terms when you search for things, for example, searching for “How to X in Linux Mint” or “How to Y in Cinnamon Desktop”. A lot of people do searches for “Linux” and end up frustrated when the bulk of the results are terminal commands, but familiarizing yourself with the different pieces that make up your system is I think a big part of learning “Linux”.
Did I offend you or something? Does your dad work for Nintendo? 🙄
It’s a figure of speech. But let me really spell it out for you and any other fucking slowpokes in the back of the class…
I’m not impressed with the hardware or the software that they showed today. They should show more than 8 seconds of a game that looks marginally better than Mario Kart 8 (a game I bought and enjoyed 11 years ago on the Wii U) if they want to impress me and sell me on a piece of hardware that is incrementally better than the Switch they sold me 8 year ago. Hopefully they have something that will impress me when they do another presentation in April, but if not that’s cool who gives a fuck man.
They seem to be implying that you can turn the joycons on their side to use them kind of like a mouse… I guess?
At least that’s what the rumors and chatter have been saying. How practical that is… I dunno.
Well, it’s a bigger, better Switch alright…
A little bit underwhelming hardware-wise. Extra joycon L/R don’t seem like they’ll factor in much in most singleplayer docked or handheld settings. (I guess those aren’t new buttons…
.) The mouse thing (if that’s what they’re showing) is somewhat interesting and helps to keep touch controls relevant when docked. Top USB port, sure. Backwards compatibility is great news. Screen is…?
As always with Nintendo I think it comes down to the games. Mario Kart 9 hasn’t blown me away just yet, but we’ve barely seen anything at all so…
To be continued in April, i guess.
For me the age isn’t really a big deal, as I’ve been really digging into 80s and 70s anime recently, including the original 1979 Mobile Suit Gundam.
I think Gunbuster is probably my best point of reference for comparison since it came out just a year prior to War in the Pocket, and in my opinion it’s a better show in every way. But then again, Gunbuster is kind of a masterpiece to me.
Akira was also roughly the same time, but that’s hardly fair… :)
It absolutely does… Can you elaborate on a situation in which FOSS gets enshittified?