• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • My friend finally convinced me to try PoE. I generally like it, but it seems… Unpolished? I dunno. Kinda stuttery. Too much going on. It’s like they’ve just accepted and (mostly) implemented every single feature request they ever got without necessarily thinking about how it should work with all the other stuff. Not really a fan of the item/jewel/currency system or the skill tree. Like, I just want to play the game and kill monsters and make things go boom, this is too much work and planning.

    I do love the carnage, though… When my level 5 or 6 fighter guy swung a regular white text sword for a regular non skill attack and it took out like 5 zombies at once, that was really nice. Never did that in Diablo.

    That’s my highly unscientific opinion after playing for about a week. Sounds like 2 is going to clean up and address some of my complaints, so I’m looking forward to it.

  • Disclaimer: I don’t actually have these, but I started looking into them quite a bit last year after seeing a bunch of houses in our neighborhood start doing them. I ended up deciding against them. This is from memory from last year’s research, things may be different now.

    Govee does seem to be the “big name” in so far as there actually is one for these things. Talked to several people and that’s what they got. Reviews of them seem decent if you trust reviews in general.

    What you get is some number of ~16ft strings that you chain together. You also get (I think) one or two empty non-lighted strings to bridge gaps.

    There is no easy way to replace one if it burns out, they don’t make or sell singles, and won’t even sell you a replacement short string of them. They also don’t make or sell extra empty connector strings. If you want/need replacements or more connectors, you go to eBay, where people sell their spares for way more than they’re really worth.

    My kids have the RGB LED strips in their rooms (not these permanent lights, just the little sticky tape with dots on it thing) and every single one we’ve gotten ends up having colors stop working, after a few months you’ll get three or four dots in a row where one of the three colors stopped working so, like, it can’t be pure blue anymore. And they just keep getting worse over time, more segments losing colors. It’s one thing on these cheesy little $20 LED strips on the ceiling, it’d be a much bigger issue if you’d spent several hundred dollars on these and needed a 20 foot ladder to fix.

    So that, and the inability to get replacements, is what stopped me. After watching all these LED strips start losing colors and going wonky, I just don’t trust that these “permanent” lights would really be permanent. And if they fail there is no easy way to fix or replace. So to me it just didn’t seem worth it.