You can also become visually impaired at points other than birth in life, and know colours and stuff
You can also become visually impaired at points other than birth in life, and know colours and stuff
I just had to install with wine and add some fonts to the wine prefix
A feeling of moral supperiority that lemmitors crave
I absolutely despise airbnb owners, they drive housing and renting houses to the clouds in whichever areas they operate. Extra guillotine for you.
In vim, in normal mode you can do: :w !sudo tee %
Almost the same, indeed, we laugh in European with the American prices
Asumimg Israel is Mordor and not the other way around
Yeah, but the RSS feeds is the where er. Lots of podcasts only have ivoox, apple podcasts or spotify, and getri g their RSS, specially for older episodes, is absolute shit
Yeah, well, like most software engineers lol
Which one have they abandoned? Because Craftopia still gets updates, and last year they got the open world update, which is a massive change.
I see a lot of people shitting on Craftopia saying it’s a BotW ripoff, while its fun and completely its own thing (ok, asset wise and sound wise eerily similar, but gameplay has nothing to do with BotW)
Indeed Google is named after the googol
Which one?
Dude that’s fiction, a webcomic, not OP necessarily OP venting (though it could certainly be used as a medium)
That happened waaaay before AI though, it’s how clickbait journalist have been wroting for ages.
I get absolute no social interaction from some bitch faced employee who doesn’t even put stuff in my bag so I might as well do it myself.
Open urls in a container, by ñrepending them with something. Like, say I have 3 gmail accounts. Work, personal, and purchases. With official multiaccount containers I can either have gmail always open on one or manually open it on one.
I have an extension where I can put something like “ext+container=Work&” on my homepage and everything opens where it should.