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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • To be fair: from a financial perspective that sounds like the right call, even if the movie would have been interesting.

    R rated horror movies just don’t bring in the amount of money to sustain high budgets like that. The exception being “It” (and the sequel), but that had more mainstream appeal and also only came out years later.

    Although isn’t the break even number usually closer to double the budget?

  • Same. The thing lacking is user base and content. Also a backlog of older content as knowledge source, but that would come overtime with through the former.

    As far as usability goes Iemmy is just as good as reddit was for me. My instance (lemme.ee) is stable and the app experience (currently “connect”) is just as smooth as it was for reddit (where I used “relay”).

    I sadly have to admit that I don’t contribute enough in terms of creating and posting threads.

  • golli@lemm.eetomovies@lemm.eeAre people excited for Furiosa?
    2 months ago

    Personally i am not extremely hyped, but assume it will deliver a solid movie.

    I can appreciate the quality and craftmanship of the 2015 Mad Max: Fury road, but somehow despite that it just didn’t quite click with me.

    In regards of the stunts and so on i expect Fuirosa to deliver similarly. Where i am unsure (based on the trailer) is whether the casting can match Fury road. Feels like Tom Hardy has a ruggedness (?) to him that fits better into the Mad Max world compared to Chris Hemsworth.

    Won’t go out of my way to watch it in the cinema, but will probably stream it at some point.

  • golli@lemm.eetomovies@lemm.ee[Discussion thread] Civil War
    2 months ago

    Saw it yesterday night, so this are just some of my first impressions and it’ll take some time to process and maybe a rewatch for any final verdict.

    Coming from Alex Garland, who made some of my favorite movies of all time (Ex Machina and Dredd), and distributed by A24, who have an exceptional track record, my expectations were extremely high. In the end it didn’t quite live up to them, but admittedly that might just be on me. Overall it is a very good movie.

    To get to some of my thoughts:

    • I had a hard time with Nick Offerman as authoritarian President, not because of his performance, but because in the moment i couldn’t quite seperate him from his parks and rec performance (and the overall positive offscreen image i have from him in my mind). That isn’t a fault of the movie and on me, but just an observation

    • Another aspect that took me out of the movie was that in my opinion they weren’t really dressed like i’d expect seasoned war reporter to be dressed (but that might be my mental image being wrong). Towards the start of the movie they still do it. Like in one of the first scenes with the bomb going off they have that bright reflective vest. Or in another scene they do wear this distinctive blue Press helmet. I think Lee also wears it in some of the flashbacks we get in the early hotel bathtub scene. But most of the time they just seem to walk around casually like civilians with only waving around their tiny press credential badges. Like when they directly approach the armed men at the mass grave. Or in the final act where the other journalist team seems to be in full gear, but they just wear a small vest, no helmet.

    • They also seemed a bit too clean for me for being on the road in a country where normal life has broken down due to the civil war going on. Like always a fresh pair of fresh cloths, washed hair and clean hands etc.

    • I think the action was done extremely well. And watching it in a large (relatively empty) theater the contrast between quiet moments and extremely loud gun shots was great. Not to say that the rest of the movie wasn’t shot well in general.

    I think between the high expectations and aspects that kind of took me out of the more realistic image i had in my mind, my initial impression after watching wasn’t as hyped. But having slept over it my opinion of the movie has improved, and might continue to do so.

  • golli@lemm.eetomovies@lemm.ee[Discussion thread] Fallout
    2 months ago

    I really liked it and it definitely exceeded my expectations. Overall well made, good performances and a solid mix of humor, satire, brutality and so on.

    I’m more of an elder scrolls kind of guy, so I haven’t really played the fallout games much (only fallout 3 I think?), meaning I can’t really compare the series to the games.

    Subjectively the one thing I would have changed, is having a bit more mystery. Feels like instead of being that naive vault dweller slowly uncovering everything piece by piece, we do get a lot of information on the background events really fast.

  • Yeah, i’d have also loved if we moved to an “opt-out” system or one where you are asked to choose at some point.

    If we had more than enough organs for everyone we might be able to afford the “luxury” to not adress the issue, but we don’t. And compared to the very real consequences this deficit has, it really isn’t a burden to reverse the burden through opt-out or at least force people to choose. Not making a choice has just as much consequences, if not more (since it leaves it ambiguous for others that might later have to make the choice for you).

    And as you said the majority probably has no problem being a donor, but the default state is a form of apathy/lazyness/ignorance. So like with many other issues a top down approach would be way more effective, compared to putting the burden on every single individual to be proactive.

  • I am not registered, but I have a organ donor card (where I approve organ donations).


    Germany just recently (18th of March this year) launched an online database where you can register your preference. Until then there was only a small organ donor card that you could fill out and carry with you.

    Reason I haven’t registered there yet is that I first need to unlock the online function on my passport (nowadays always enabled, but I still have one from when it was optional). So I’ll eventually get around to doing both.

    As for my reasoning behind being a donor:

    • I would like to receive them in an emergency (or for someone I care about to do so).

    • And in case I become a donor I am not there anymore to care about what people do with my organs.

  • golli@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlGood NAS Software for a Bad PC?
    3 months ago

    I haven’t used it, but maybe look at Cockpit? You could install it on your generic Debian server and it would give you a nice gui and tools, while letting you do whatever you are currently using it for.

    I am using openmediavault for my NAS, which seems reasonably lightweight and is debian based. If that fits the bill

  • Watched it over the weekend and overall enjoyed it, but wasn’t blown away. However since i really loved the books and am a sci-fi an in general that was to be expected, as long as it didn’t completely botch it. It’s been quite a while since i’ve read the source material, which makes it somewhat hard to properly judge the adaption.

    Overall i don’t mind characters and loaction being altered, since i found the general concepts to be the strongest part of the books. So changing most of the main cast to not be chinese unlike in the books didn’t bother me much, since it is a story that happens on a global scale. Outside of course the flashback scenes of Ye Wenjie (which were done quite well imo). However changing the chinese centric cast to a group of british friends that all know eachother seems a bit pointless (outside of making the show easier to market/shoot), since instead of expanding the scale it makes it even more narrow.

    I’ve actually started to watch the chinese TV show as comparison and what i like better there is that the science feels more sciency if that makes sense. For example it’s not the stars that blink, but fluctuation in the cosmic microwave background. Or the nanotechnology scientist is a professor that actually works in a lab that looks convincible, compared to the Auggie Salazar character.

  • The scene was also buried halfway through the Chinese version of the novel but was brought to the beginning of the book for the English version — with the author’s blessing.

    From the article. So I guess it was less prominent in the original chinese version? But you are right being a book adaption the story has been out for years and quite prominently at that.

    Then again we don’t really know what “draws fire in china” actually means, if it’s just some random online posters, then you can make any claim and likely find a comment supporting it. Really doesn’t mean much.

    On a side note I think there was a Chinese TV adaption already. Has anyone seen that one and how they handled it?

    Before reading the article I actually didn’t think about that scene, but thought they’d be annoyed that nationalities of the characters were changed.

  • I am actually not sure about the coroprate home ownership point. Here in Germany renting is much more common and accepted compared to the US, and i think there are lots of situations where this makes sense. However both in the US and here in Germany the systems need changes. And i think they should mostly target land ownership rather than the houses themself. What drives up the prices in desired areas are mostly increases in land value, not that building houses got that much more expensive (although that is also a factor).

    And most of that value gain are from external factors rather than the owners own merit. If someone builds an architectually great and energy efficient house or develops land, then it is fine if he gains value from it. But if simply owning the property improves the value over time, because society around it builds nice schools, parks and so on. Then the owner hasn’t done anything and that profit should be taxed completely away. If that makes sense.

    That said there probably should also be a mechanism to support the first home people own to counteract scale efficiencies that corporations might be able to leverage.

    Not sure if outright banning stocks for politicians is the way to go, but there should be more points regarding transparancy and conflicts of interest. Also not just during their time in office, but after that aswell.

    I’d have no issue with politicians holding a borad market index fund.

  • Not an expert and i might be wrong, but here is how i understand it with an example:

    You are a billionaire that wants to buy a new mansion for 100 million dollar. Even being that rich you probably don’t just have that amount of cash sitting around in your regular bank account where it doesn’t earn you any more money. That would be stupid. Instead you likely have it tied up in stocks.

    Now you could ofc just sell some of those, turn around and buy the mansion with cash. But then you would have to pay taxes on the gains you have made so far with these stocks. Because up until those are realized (by selling them), they are just on paper and there is no taxable event. You have all the money you’d need for thousands of lifetimes already, but you still don’t like paying taxes. So luckily there is a better way.

    You go to a bank and ask them to borrow you the 100 million. You aren’t named Donald Trump, so the bank will gladly give you the money for a very low interest rate, because they know you are good for it. They gladly do so since it is basically risk free and they can in a way just create that money. For you the amout of interest also doesn’t matter because it is actually less than your stocks will on average give you in profits.

    Now you haven’t realized any gains, but instead have a “loss” through the loan and bought your 10th mansion. Over time you will either pay back the loan slowly and use the cost fo your loan to balance out some profits (and avoid taxes that way). Or you might just pay the interest and roll over the loans indefinitely.

    We don’t have immortality yet so eventually you will die having payed little to no taxes. However your heirs will have to pay inheritance taxes. But until then your wealth has enjoyed the compunding gains unhindered by taxes. And rather than directly passing on your wealth to the next generation you might have some foundation or other construct to keep taxes to a minimum.

  • Actually thinking about it again we are being told at the very start of the first movie (with a voice over exposition) that spice is the most valuable substance in the universe, that the spacing guild uses it and that without it interstellar travel is impossible. So in a way the viewer gets all the information needed in the first part.

    Maybe the fact that irritated me was more that we don’t get to understand that the spacing guild is basically a completely seperate faction and all the dynamics that come with it?

    I guess we have to wait how he resolves it in the third movie.