these aren’t AI. They’re just spam bots
Same, same.
But different…
But still same.l
these aren’t AI. They’re just spam bots
Same, same.
But different…
But still same.l
You shouldn’t need a tool.
In your setting should be an option to export a json file, when you make a new one just upload that file.
If studios gets a tax break, taxpayers are paying for the movie.
Release it for free with no copywriter protections for merchandise and suddenly this whole practice goes away.
Not just because of bugs either, pretty sure that shit is like $60 on steam.
When a console exclusive ports to PC, it resets the clock…
Just stop putting important stuff on the cloud…
Like. You’re asking the best way to safely secure the $100 bill you taped to the sidewalk outside your house.
There’s measures you can take, but at the end of the day why are you so set on taping a Benjamin to the sidewalk?
But that’s not a shower thought, it’s something we’ve known for a very long time.
It’s like saying the sky is blue due to wavelength scattering, it’s true, but regardless of where you are when you realized/learned it, it’s not a shower thought.
Workers aren’t what’s most important anymore.
Consumers/investors are
So stop buying shit you don’t need, stop buying the same stocks Pelosi does to try and make money.
If you want to hurt the corporations destroying our country, stop giving them money, don’t stop taking what little they pay.
Do you wake up everyday and make a new account for these posts?
They’re all clearly made up, and most end up deleted.
Do you make new ones because you keep getting banned? Or is it just trolling so people can’t block you and be done with it?
Pretty sure I’ve got Anker cables from when they were the “no name generic” option.
They’re probably the most recommended brand now for all types of cables and battery banks. It’s kind of crazy
The addition of electricity is the only reason anyone calls it scifi
since our modern understanding of the scientific method didn’t really exist back then,
Didn’t exist when Mary Shelly did either…
That’s my point, by it’s very nature “the first scifi” isn’t a fixed date due to scientific advancement.
Agriculture is a science, and it was a bigger deal than electricity when it was new, but we don’t say every story with a plow is scifi anymore.
Hell, look at Jason and the Argonauts using bleeding edge navigation skills to travel to far off lands we couldn’t imagine. The only difference is water instead of space.
This isn’t a new process, we’re talking about where modern humans draw a line that’s been redrawn since the dawn of humanity.
What are you trying to prove?
What I just quoted and you just agreed with…
If we count Frankenstein as scifi…
Then stuff centuries earlier also count as scifi, and she’s out of the discussion again.
I’m not sure why you’re upset with me, now that we’re on the same page…
It’s been a long journey since:
If we count Frankenstein as scifi…
Then stuff centuries earlier also count as scifi, and she’s out of the discussion again.
But I’m glad you understand now.
In the 2nd century some guy wrote about travelling to the moon…
Where he found Moon people who were at war with the sun people.
By your definition, isn’t that also SciFi?
but if Frankenstein isn’t sci-fi then nothing I’ve seen labeled as sci-fi is.
And my point is if Frankenstein is scifi, then so is earlier stuff…
It’s all where you draw the line, some people draw that line where electricity is involved, because electricity was a pretty big deal.
Earlier stories have more primitive science, later stories have more futuristic science.
If we count stuff earlier than 1898 your statement is false from the jump
I never said we should…
I view the begining of scif as the 60s maybe late 50s.
My point was if you’re taking it back to Shelly, by the same logic we’d have to take it back further. Which you apparently agree with?
If we count Frankenstein as scifi…
Then stuff centuries earlier also count as scifi, and she’s out of the discussion again.
But she was reasonably well-adjusted
She kept her dead husbands heart and would carry it around with her
Some people just never experienced early AIM chatbots…