Fuck the right and left wing nutjobs.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2024


  • aaron danielson ring any bells?? how about antifa??

    far left extremists are completely capable of terrorist and other deadly behaviours the question is when and where.

    like i have written ,they are extremes,none is better than the other. you aren’t changing my mind on. the right wing nuts jobs and certainly not the left wing extremists.

    i concur,this conversation isn’t really going anywhere other than you trying to change my mind on the left.

    the right wing nutjobs are crazy for sure but the left wing nutjons are getting crazier.

  • the idea here is left wingers are also completely capable of behaving like right wingers. both end of the extreme aren’t that much different in a sense that they are basically extremes that drives people to behaving badly, uncivil,intolerant and discrimitory.

    while one side is more violent than the other,it does not absolve them of the violence they commit no matter the justification and violence as we all know, comes in different forms.

    if nazi is a word specifically reserved for a group of individuals then extremists would have been a better word to use,given the 2 extremes aren’t necessary better than the other but is equally bad if left unchecked.