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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Another “Steam Deck is the reason” failure to cover the fact that once Steam Deck dies out it’s users also leave. Valve has awful hardware history and Steam Deck itself only runs games because they are the ones paying for Proton. It should not be controlled by a company that is known to make you lose your games.

  • As someone who was during those times, your Zgen knowledge is very incorrect. The games did work, including Crisis (original). As to why the myth you hear from fellow Zgen gamers; it’s because graphics cards were invented. Brand new, no one knew what they were doing with them. The companys Renzen and Nvidia started sponsoring games, it’s how they became popular, their logos were part of the game, Metal Gear Solid revengeance is proof of this.

    Steam had no part in gaming history, they were not the first online platform. Dell made wild target before Valve Corporation was founded. Lootbox was invented before Steam launched it, Yahoo games (anyone remember them) in japan had the concept down to almost todays standards. Valve had nothing to do with gaming history, they are just known for their lawsuits and anti competitive behavior.

  • No one said Proton isn’t software, its just a copycat of Proton just like Renpy games are copycats of the original source code. I don’t know why you keep bringing it up, you really are awful at trolling. RPG doesn’t exist in renpy and you think mathematically balanced code is easy enough for people like you. Oh ya almost forgot the game is in android too, not current version of renpy but when 2014 starts out android didn’t exist has a port.

    Yes, that’s right im the first of many to have android renpy before google took over. Whatever claim you have is meaningless because HTML wasn’t the way renpy android worked.

    It had to be completely coded to android studio. Which let me tell you, requires C at the time.

    Too bad you are now dead wrong. Since my android versions are old it just means you can open it up and see the C language or is that too hard for your little brain.

  • SteamOS being open source would solve a lot of problems including the keyboard. Users should be allowed to customize their U.I has any Linux operating system. There’s no reason why they shouldn’t.

    Again you should not trust Valve for anything. There’s enough lawsuits to prove they lied to everyone. Gabe is part of the list of liars, claiming better Steam Deck and after a year it’s a joke performance.

  • Again with the lies, you think 3D game engines don’t have C++ or something. You are so mad at me for being successful you trying to make other people believe in your fantasy story. Moreover you didn’t even play my games that offered RPG custom code made by me and another guy.

    You don’t even know i got banned for making a RPG code for renpy because the creator is a loser who wants pure VN.

    Such is you being mad and working to dead at a job. I can take this week off because I own my house and I can do whatever I want. You are nothing to me.