There’s waaay worse things you can catch.
There’s waaay worse things you can catch.
There’s a huge variety in condiments.
Mayo is egg, vinegar, and oil.
Fats (oil) are super complicated. Some are very bad for you like canola oil (but they’re also cheap) while some are very good for you like olive oil (EVOO) (but it’s very expensive).
Some Mayo varieties will have these three ingredients and an emulsifier to help it stay nice on the shelf.
Others will have heaps of sugar and bullshit flavours.
The difference in nutritional value is huge.
OP’s reply to this comment.
You’ve seen the headlines about telsa sales tanking right? In some markets by 50% or 60%. That’s a big deal.
First movers do enjoy a special privilege but I’m not sure how sticky that will be in this case. Musk’s political views are at odds with people that are environmentally conscious.
Those views are now indefeasible from the brand and this kind of “vandalism” (provided it doesn’t significantly damage the vehicle) is a great way to reinforce that connection.
OP is including writing “wash me” in the dust on the rear window in “vandalism”.
That doesn’t financially harm anyone and is obviously not the same as burning someone’s house down.
Vandalising a telsa directly harms musk financially.
Yeah. You see it all the time around here. It’s usually some smart ass kid doing it to their mum’s car or whatever.
However, that’s still “vandalism” by your definition.
Just gonna be honest… you seem a bit uptight about this.
If you define “vandalism” to include “writing in dust” then yes, some types of “vandalism” are ok on any type of vehicle what so ever.
Sometimes people write “wash me” in the dust on someone’s window. Who cares.
It’s not “too hard”, it just completely unreasonable to expect people in general to self host as a way to “fight against tech billionaires”.
I can assure you that most people would find the amount of effort required to learn, implement, and maintain self hosted services to be unpractical.
I’m not really sure what you’re getting at?
I’ve been self hosting for many years. Including mission critical data for my consultancy.
It’s a great hobby and I’d encourage anyone who’s interested to get involved.
That said, for people looking for a way to “fight against tech billionaires”, migrating their google drive to a self hosted nextcloud instance from a cold start with no experience in self hosting is inadvisable.
It may not be “hard”, yet it’s just not practically possible for most people.
I dislike it.
Pretty sure my instance blocks it.
I believe it’s counter productive and stifles engagement.
Not sure if this is really accessible for everyone.
It’s probably easy to underestimate how difficult setting up and managing services can be.
However you feel is not “wrong”, and in this case pretty understandable.
Here in Australia I don’t have a problem with the flag itself, but there seems to be a strong correlation with people putting flags on their cars and being racist assholes.
Of course its totally fine to not like a movie, but I wanted to clarify the memory as time travel thing.
I can’t remember where I first heard this, it wasn’t this movie, but suppose humans are oddly fixated on the flow of time. To us the flow of time is immutable we exist in the present and remember the past. What if other races could “remember” things that haven’t happened yet as easily as we remember things from the past.
The movie kinda proposes that learning human languages traps us into this linear / temporal mode of thinking. As in, as children we learn to parse things start to finish and that’s it… we just never do it the other way future to now.
Turns out I’ve done a shit job at explaining this.
As I said, it’s fine to hate the movie. I just thought I’d try to explain this part because I felt like I understood it, although I’m not sure anymore.
Settle down pet. Of course I know what I meant but I’m concerned that you do not.
That’s not really what I’m saying… at all.
Everyone encounters unsolvable problems, whether or not they favor thought terminating cliches. However, we also encounter problems which only appear to be unsolvable. My point is, if you take the attitude that “it is what it is”, you’ll never know the difference.
You can call me captain solveitall if you wish, but I suspect that won’t make you any less miserable.
I can’t believe I have to say this but “I’m not going to attempt to resolve this” is not the same as “I have not made any attempt to resolve this”.
Honestly though, you’re very welcome to continue spouting dumb phrases like “it is what it is” if you find that helpful.
I didn’t say there was no attempt.
Saying you have nothing else to say or do is “thought terminating” you’re stifling discussion rather than encouraging investigation of potential solutions.
That’s fine. There will always be some niche / industrial software that someone needs Windows for.