Are you into speedrunning by any chance?
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a human.
Are you into speedrunning by any chance?
Yes something like the first thing popping in your mind when it comes to being blissfully unaware of the struggle of racism being tying together a black partner and fried chicken.
That’s what she said, for a while.
“a film”.
Wouldn’t it be trivially easy to confirm what film it is from the setting? It’s not like she starred in 7563 movies…
As far as I recall it’s about blatantly “white” tweets, to underly how clueless and detached from reality they are.
But it may have warped into the stratosphere as of these days…
Are you familiar with the concept of humour?
A combination of “I don’t know I just do” and “Probably because of my experiences as a child”.
You go first.
That’s what I would personally call “cheap”.
Among those words the only one that could barely resonate would be “I like the way you see the world”, but that’s still pretty reductive as I doubt your partner at the time is doing groundbreaking philosophy.
And it doesn’t say much about your feeling toward anybody else that share the same outlooks/lifestyle.
I’m glad he learnt to avoid your relatives since.
It doesn’t help that “why do you love me” is often an impossible question to answer.
Just saying to a woman “Sorry, I only date DD cups.”
It’s not “about women”. Fisical attraction is a thing and it can be as legitimate as one wish to give it space in their life.
If you draw some kind of line at women with DD cups, good for you.
Of course you can derive all kind of judgements from that but it’s not inherently “unethical”.
I’m not sure why I picked up Yakuza0 but I was so suprised by what I got in my hand I made a goal of mine to play the whole lot.
The presentation of the character of Majima in the casino is so good I ended up bringing it up in conversations with non gaming dates and they still texted me back in the following days.
Young is doing a lot of lifting.
Just as I never had to when I was young…
One of these things is not like the others.
Don’t do the dishes.
Or, slightly earlier, the characterization of Socrates relationship with his wife.
I guess I’ll hold on then…
I had no idea, what’s the deal there?
Edit: Apprently the anwer is “no”.
Is this fake? Possibly. Will people other than scammers see this and relate? Also possible.
Still a better wage than Pascal’s.
You are doing great, at 17 every single classmate of yours is jet to become an actual thinking human, many never will.