I wish more of them would live like this: “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” - Saint Augustine
I use the preinstalled rpm package
My LibreOffice crashed. I lost my deeta! (less than 10 minutes of edits)
Not something Daniel Suelo buys
And Jesus flips tables that have too much revenue on them
Yes if they tempt you to be imperfect
Hat only breeds hat
More precisely, you end up feeling more like a victim of the negative emotions that tempt you
I quit looking at nudity and now GNU + Linux feels like enough novelty for me
What advice do you have for me?
Real life is hilarious if you pay attention
I only read the rule that implies that. I did not pee my pants
The bash logs were lost in a logic board failure
“Balance” is a bad oversimplification of comparative advantage
I use dvorak on the provided keyboards
Not relevant to public computers
I meant adding the layout