• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWhy? Are we not doing enough?
    7 months ago

    Yeah, remember the reaction when that one post got popular about lemmy being boring for anyone that wasn’t a SWE/Linux user?

    People got so pissed off, one of the top posts on lemmy that day was something to the affect of “fuck you, we’re not obligated to post things you like”. Which, yeah, you’re not - but you also can’t blame people for losing interest in your platform when you only have active discussion on one or two relatively niche topics.

    The fact is that Lemmy is garbage for discussing hobbys or interests outside of a few niche areas. On reddit my feed was filled with woodworking, 3d printing, Astronomy, and other topics that get very little traffic on lemmy.

    My lemmy feed is mostly politics, then SWE stuff, then memes

  • I’ve definetely saved myself many purchases with my 3d printer, but I definetely think I’ve spent more on filament for dumb/fun prints than I’ve saved with practical ones lol - especially when I’m designing my own shit and need to prototype, I’ve gone through entire rolls just iterating on a single design until I get something I’m happy with…

    That being said, it’s all in how you use it!

  • Eating healthy

    For some reason the general consensus is that eating healthy is expensive - probably because when people think about eating healthy, they’re often thinking about Whole Foods type shit.

    My wife and I have been losing weight over these last few months (40lbs down!) and one of the biggest things I noticed besides the number on the scale was how much less we were spending on food.

    For one, you’ll generally eat out less, because most of the really tempting restaurant options aren’t that healthy

    For another veggies, legumes, etc are cheap af, and those make up a huge part of a healthy diet. We buy our veggies in bulk from costco each week save a ton compared to when we’d be loading our carts with butter/cheese, fatty/sugary snack foods, and other r junk

    We also just plain eat less, what we used to eat in a night now stretches to two nights, which means fewer trips to the grocery store.

    We do eat more lean proteins (mainly chicken and fish) to bump our protein ratios up, and we buy protein powders and whatnot, but even accounting for all that, we’re still saving a lot of money compared to our old habits

  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldUpdates
    8 months ago

    I’m pretty sure the whole “iPhone as a status symbol” thing is a thing of the past - I literally can’t remember anytime in the last 5 years that anyone expressed envy at someone owning a iphone.

    I’d argue that yearly upgrades regardless of phone brand are more of the status symbol now

  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldUpdates
    8 months ago

    on this site at least - you’re absolutely right, and the fact that you’re getting bombed with downvotes is pretty solid anecdotal evidence of that if nothing else lol

    Don’t get me wrong, I get just as annoyed by those who insist Apple can do no wrong as those who insist they can do no right. I just find it weird how pseudo-religious people can get about Apple. It seems like you’re not allowed to just view them as another tech company. You have to either crusade against them, or else you’re a paid apple shill

  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldUpdates
    8 months ago

    They 100% did

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty to gripe about with apple, just like every tech company, but I swear half the complaints I hear about Apple products on lemmy are either outdated or just plain wrong

    For some reason the anti-Apple circle jerk is supercharged on Lemmy. I’ll never understand why people get themselves so worked up over a brand they never have to do business with