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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I manage a stack like this, we have dedicated hardware running a steady state of backend processing, but scale into AWS if there’s a surge in realtime processing needed and we don’t have the hardware. We also had an outage in our on prem datacenter once which was expensive for us (I assume an insurance claim was made), but scaling to AWS was almost automatic, and the impact was minimal for a full datacenter outage.

    If we wanted to optimize even more, I’m sure we could scale into Azure depending on server costs when spot pricing is higher in AWS. The moral of the story is to not get too locked into any one provider and utilize some of the abstraction layers so that AWS, Azure, etc are just targets that you can shop around for by default, without having to scramble.

  • Not saying it’s not an internet meme, but NBC News seems to have ran the quote yesterday, and hasn’t updated the article with a correction:

    he Biden campaign slammed the former president in a statement about the expected gun license revocation.

    “When Trump tells the NRA he won’t do a damn thing to prevent convicted felons, domestic abusers, and other dangerous people from getting their hands on guns, he’s talking about himself,” said campaign spokesperson James Singer in a statement.

    I checked James Singer’s twitter and couldn’t find a written statement, nor a rebuttal to NBC News article, so maybe this was a spoken quote off the cuff?