Ce ci n’est pas un penis.
Ce ci n’est pas un penis.
The people you know well enough to trust them are close to you but unknown to others, so other people wouldn’t really appreciate your unswer if it was just some common unknown people. You mostly cannot bet on the character of celebrities, because you don’t know them personally (see Gaiman). Fictional characters are known by many people and their personalities are nicely described in the books, movies, whatever…
Cheery Littlebottom?
The point was that at some places speed limits ARE enforced.
It’s nice, but it doesn’t really give me hope. Lemmy is good because it’s not mainstream. Once it got relevant, it would turn into today’s reddit. And if it, by chance, evolved into relevant opposition, I believe it would be easy for billionaires to destroy, despite the decenzralized character. It could also be used for curbing the opposition by gathering information about it. There’s no way to hide from people with enough money.
Agree - comic sans would be chef’s kiss. (Btw I think this is a great AI usecase.)
Yes. And some people prefer correspondence, that’s ok.
Perhaps you could consider that for diverse reasons people have different prefered ways of communication. You have your own prefered way for your own reasons and that’s ok. That doesn’t mean you should disrespect other people’s communication choices or them personally.
Why not on the eggs?
Ok, deal, I get the yolks, you get the whites. I’ll even boil and peal to get the yolks!
Why would you do that? Are there people who prefer the white? If so, they need to be my friends, we would be compatible.
Probably the same as I do with finite time - stress myself about things I cannot influence. Or perhaps I’d finally have time to learn not to do that - it’s a task for several lifetimes, I’m afraid :)
I’d study it in humans first - the advantage is they can talk. I’d study the way brain works in nostalgia feeling humans. Then I’d try to find the same or similar functionality in dog brains (which are fortunately similar enough, because dogs are evolutionarily relatively close to humans).
Let me again state that feelings are subjective even in humans and you could argue that what others really experience can be different even though it manifests the same externally. I’m knowingly ignoring this phylosofical side of the problem and I’m proposing a practical scientific way to approach it.
Other human beings are the same problem, no one can tell how others really feel. Let’s get solipsism out of the way, so that we can talk practically.
Human beings share a lot of genetics and brain functions - we can study that. And they share a lot of genetics and brain functions with dogs too! I don’t think nostalgia in dogs has been studied yet, but I do think we can get an answer one day.
Yeah, I might not remember it exactly, but I’ve heard that about 9 out of 10 people of all our history haven’t died yet. Which can be neatly misinterpreted as a surprisingly optimistic chance of not dying.
It’s normal and very useful to reserve some types of behavior for the right occasions. You can let out your natural aggression while doing sports, just like you let out your sexual energy at home with your partner (or by yourself). No need to do everything at work, that would turn your work behavior toxic to your coworkers.
Exactly, that was my point.
I’m flattered, but I’m not in the mood right now. I’ll be in my corner worrying about constitution redoings…
I understand the metaphor, but I’d like to point out just how ugly the happy moment bit of road looks compared to the more natural state of the rest of the life road. Perhaps it’s time to walk your life instead of driving it ;)