That entire second paragraph… Needs to be your opening statement to your therapist. They can help you figure out what is wrong with it and how to help you.
I am no where near qualified to answer it for you.
That entire second paragraph… Needs to be your opening statement to your therapist. They can help you figure out what is wrong with it and how to help you.
I am no where near qualified to answer it for you.
If i simply said hi to someone and they screamed I HEARD YOU, I would literally think fine then I won’t say hi again.
This is something called human nature. If you act like an ass to me then I will stop talking to you. The fact that you don’t see that says not only do you have anger issues, I would ask if you are sociopathic or bipolar. You need serious help either way. Even if you aren’t either of those you need to figure out how to fix this. You won’t have many friends if you keep going this way.
You call it tough love but trust be very few people on the entire planet would call it anything other then being an asshole.
There is a way to help people without being a jerk about it.
To answer the question of : do people find it a turnoff?
Hell yes. Why would they find it any other thing then a turn off? People don’t enjoy being treated that way.
You praise men and ignore women and you think that’s ok. That’s a serious disconnect from reality. Wanting women to improve themselves is good, but this is NOT the way to do it.
Again I would encourage you to get help.
None. I prefer to watch movies or TV shows that I enjoy enough that it will keep my attention.
Depends are we taking annoying stuff?
Then it might be that you didn’t understand their sense of humor.
Are we talking rude things ? It’s hard to say. Without being there I would hesitate to judge in either direction. Was it that they were actually being rude and are just an asshole? Was it not that bad and you don’t get their sense of humor? Is it that you actually have no sense is humor? It’s difficult to know without a lot more detail.
The fat ass… That is difficult to judge… Yeah up front I’d say yeah it’s rude and would never do it. But I do know people that do talk to each other that way and neither person has no problem with it. Again I wouldn’t but I’m not there so… It’s hard to say why that exact group does it.
She met those two? Plus first editions?
Damn that’s awesome
Sidenote, a huge thank you to the lady at Barnes & Noble who pointed this book out to me. I had no idea it even existed. I knew about Lord of the rings. I just didn’t know about this exact edition.
You’re not gonna like my answer, our chance to do something was back in November. Our chance to keep this from happening was in November. As a nation we chose the opposite path. We chose the opposite path, knowing full well what Trump was going to do. He didn’t hide it. He didn’t disguise it. He didn’t pretend to be anything other than who he was. And yet the nation still voted for him .
As a nation, we knew if we voted for Republicans and for Trump, this would be the result.
He directly said he wanted to remove birthright citizenship.
Let’s put that in slightly different terms.
We voted so that:
A president of the United States could remove the benefits of a constitutional amendment, Or could remove a constitutional amendment altogether via an executive order. We voted so that a president could do that without congressional oversight, unilaterally, via an executive order.
How anybody who believes in democracy would say that that is a good idea and could not see the red flag is completely beyond me.
There is literally no excuse.
We voted so that not only could Trump do this, but any president could do this. Think about it , if you give President Trump the ability to remove the benefits a constitutional amendment via an executive order, you give every single president from now on that same ability.
I don’t care which side of the aisle you’re on that doesn’t end well.
One side could say well I don’t like the second amendment and remove the benefits of the second amendment. One side might say I don’t like protesting and seriously limit your ability. Or your ability to speak out against the government.
Hell, they could even limit your ability to vote that’s in the constitution and part of that is in the constitutional amendment so how is this a good idea?
Yet as a nation, this is how we voted.
Once you give a politician ability to do something, they will not give up that power without a fight and they will keep using that power.
This does not end well , it will not end well , and we are only seeing the beginning.
Republicans control the house, the Senate, the presidency and a fair amount of the federal court systems. We also have a fair amount of red states.
There is zero ability to undo this.
Absolutely zero.
Even if we somehow voted out Republicans come next election do you think the Democrats are gonna give up this ability? I’m sorry to tell you this no they won’t. They’ll use it. By the way, I don’t believe Democrats will win the next election. I believe Republicans will take the midterms. I believe they will take the presidency come next presidential election. And new president will have two terms. Which means we will have 12 years as a Republican lead country.
By that point people will be so used to the new system. People adapt quickly, and I doubt you will even get the pushback needed.
You’re asking, how do we fight back?
I’m sorry to tell you this we are well and truly fucked.
Maybe in 60 years, we might see a turnaround. I doubt it though.
Sure just give me your credit card number for… Security purposes
Pretty much dead on.
Million isn’t that big of a dollar amount when you look at cost of living
In reality we should.
To many in lemmy are to happy to stay in their special little corner.
The question asked was what I thought of vandalism.
And yes I agree writing in dust is not vandalism
I’m reading these comments and realizing just how many assholes after on lemmy.
People on here actually justifying vandalizing someone’s property.
Oh they’re wealthy so it’s ok.
Oh commenter doesn’t like person a so it’s ok to hurt person b property.
Fucking hell people are assholes.
Maybe maybe not
So does that mean that it is ok to vandalize someone else’s property?
United States of Lee (after General Robert Lee)
New motto
All For Me and None For Thee
Give up. Block them. Move on. There is zero possibility of changing them.
None. They all sucked. The one or two that stood above the others, only could be called “good” because the others sucked
The bit with Tom Cruise was actually pretty good, but I don’t know if I would call that a commercial per se
Guild Wars 2
Magic, dragons, numerous animal mounts plus a few flying ones, air ships (think blimps), multiple climates.
Continuous resurrecting.
Lots of gold.
Several types of sentient creatures.
Edit: I would assume that since it would last forever, that means the gaming servers would run forever. I would also assume that would mean we would more and more expansion packs more maps, more creatures more things to do, improved graphics. It would take you a really, really long time to walk from one side of the map to the other. Can you imagine how much stuff there would be to do inside that game.? And since NPC’s can talk to player characters (and player characters can talk to other players) that means I could talk to people outside the game. This would be kind of cool.
Vehicle makers that angle their hood in a way where it seriously blocks what you can see at the front right corner of the vehicle. Instead of slanting the hood down it’s straight out. Making it very difficult to see the curb when making a turn.
Also subscription fees on cars
Non repairable products parts on cars
Learn. Evolve. Improve one’s mind. Understand more of the universe. Gain a greater understanding of one’s place in the universe. Grow beyond what we understand and comprehend existence at this point.