
  • 28 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023


  • I neither said nor implied any such thing. You brought up books written in the 1800s which is why my initial reply specifically focused on the 19th century. You’re either dumb or you’re here in bad faith, but based on your last sentence, being a weak attempt to shift the conversation from LGBTQ and non-binary people to pederasts, which is straight out of the right-wing playbook, it’s safe to assume the latter. So we’re done here.

  • Have you ever wondered why that is? LGBTQ and non-binary people existed in the 19th century too, they just weren’t safe to live as they chose to publicly. And when it was mentioned in literature it was typically couched in euphemisms of the period. I understand that you’d clearly prefer all these people go back in the closet rather than be inconvenienced by having to acknowledge their existence, but are you really daft enough to think this is something dreamed up in the 2010s? For fuck sake…

  • Lmao. So OP is unwilling to show others the simple courtesy of respecting their gender identity then comes running here to whine about dIsReSpeCt because their bigoted hot take got them a three day ban from a community. 🙄

    Edit: Ooooh and they’re on a three day old account too? In that case I give it an hour or two before they realize they aren’t getting any sympathy here and run to r/RedditAlternatives to complain about “censorship” on Lemmy and lament the lack of freeze peach reddit alternatives.

  • I do, and I think it’s just kinda “okay”. The main thing I like about Bluesky right now is the experimental “threaded mode” which makes following conversations a lot easier for me. I’ve always been more of a Reddit kinda guy than a Twitter user so nested/threaded comments are preferable.

    Having said that, as far as microblogging platforms go, I find mastodon in conjunction with the smart lists feature on the Mammoth app for iOS to be a much better resource for following news and finding interesting accounts.

  • It’s a proprietary platform … what do people expect?

    It’s visiting someone’s business and you are in their property and you are watching TV on their TV set. You are reading newspapers and books that are on their property. And everyone acts surprised when the property owner keeps track of what you watched and what you read on their property.

    You have no rights to do anything on their property … other than the rights they give you, which they can also take away, or just kick you out.

    Are you under the impression that Facebook owns Snapchat? Because they don’t. Nothing about this little “blame people for using proprietary services” rant is actually relevant to what happened. At all.

    You should read the article because you clearly didn’t. Hell, all you’d have to do is read the first paragraph to understand they were spying on the users of a competitor.

  • “Constantly” is a ridiculous exaggeration, it’s rare and it’s not some random nagging prompt or anything. It’s tied to software updates wherein the list of default search engines Firefox suggests in preferences is also updated.

    Why did my search engine change?

    From time to time, Mozilla may update the list of search engines that are available in Firefox or set as default in specific regions. If your default search engine is changed, you’ll receive a notification in Firefox so you can further customize your default search settings.

    If you received a notification that your default search engine has changed after updating Firefox, you can keep the new default or set a search engine of your choice.

    Source via